Tuesday, October 08, 2024

Will you save democracy?

Donald J. Trump, con artist and former President of the USA, has been found guilty by a jury of ordinary people, of all 34 of the crimes he was indicted for.  

But this fact doesn't deter his supporters.  No, it only emboldens them to be more closely aligned with him. At this point in Trump's public history, most of which has been fully loaded with crimes, lies and treason, his GOP supporters and even the GOP leadership has found he is the best person to represent the Republican Party.

This fact alone should make it obvious that the Republican Party is nothing but a Trump cult that is not interested in equality, law and order, America, or the Constitution.  Their interests in Trump lead one to question what's in it for them? How can they not see the man for the criminal and treasonist he actually is? 

Have they forgotten about his term as President during a pandemic that killed nearly a million Americans and which he played down to promote the GOP's associating science with politics and siding against preventing its spread? 

Did they forget the fact that he imprisoned immigrants who were fleeing the atrocities of their country for the safety of America, only to be placed in cages where children were separated from their parents and lost or sold to impose the penalty for relying on the power of American government for salvation?  

Did they approve of his tax scam that he told them would benefit them, when it actually created lasting benefits of trillions of dollars for the 1% richest Americans while placing America in the biggest deficit of any President?  

Do they like the fact that his arrogance and ego take priority when he is gathered with other world leaders so that he pushes them aside to get ahead of them for publicity photos?  

Do they not care that he is the worst husband in history who not only cheated on his new wife with a porn star but also with a former playboy bunny? 

Do they know that his selection of supreme court justices ended medical choices for women and is now leading to the expansion of laws in GOP lead states that are removing citizens' rights and causing women to die from reduced medical procedures related to childbirth?  

Do they think the removal of their social security and medicare and the attempt to remove the ACA medical insurance is something they will look forward to?  

Do they even understand that the democracy we have had since the American Revolution is in jeopardy by his desire and the GOP leadership's desire to deconstruct the administrative state with their new Project 2025? Under Trump, America will become a new Christian oligarchic autocracy with fake elections, fake democracy and one man given the power to make all the rules and decisions. This would end the distribution of government power among the three branches; in other words, create a dictatorship.

Do they not care that as President he conspired to plan the insurrection and encouraged his MAGA militias to attack the center of government? 

Did they forget or not care that he planned and encouraged certain swing states to create fake electors and submit counterfeit documents that insisted he was the true winner of the election in their states. 

Did they forget that he said he would eliminate NATO and let Putin do whatever he wanted to our NATO allies? 

Did they not hear that he partied with accused pedophile and human sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein and Trump himself had a lawsuit for pedophilia rape brought by at least one young girl?

Do they hear his autocratic railings about jailing his political enemies, controlling or eliminating freedom of speech and deporting American born offspring of certain immigrants?

If you have decided to vote for Trump or any other Republicans that support him during the 2024 elections, just realize that you are also a threat to democracy.  Trump and the GOP plan to create a fake democracy.  A fake democracy that you will no longer be able to participate in after Trump.  A fake democracy that will reflect the teachings of Trump's mentor, Vladimir Putin. A fake democracy that will bring us closer to the edge of evil that we as a country have ever been.  

We and you have one last chance to allow the continuation of a real democracy. Trump's fake democracy can only be defeated by voters who understand the importance of defeating Donald Trump at the ballot box. But it is not only Donald Trump who must be defeated by your vote.  His cronies in the Republican party who have supported and contributed to his crimes and helped him form the Project 2025 policies which will ruin us as a country, must also be defeated.

This is serious. Make the right choice or forever regret it.