It is surprising how few people understand the importance that Congressional actions have on our everyday lives. An extrememly important branch of the government, the main role of Congress is to enact legislation, but this 112th Congress has had a bigger part in obstructing legislation than creating it.
The major reason for this "do-nothing" Congress is the vast differences in the belief system across Party lines. If I can make this simple, Democrats favor legislation that benefits the poor and middle class while Republicans favor legislation that favors the wealthy.
Although Republicans believe the Democrats approach is socialism, their definition of government is equivalent to an elitist socialism, where the government only provides for the wealthy, even at the expense of those less fortunate. Perhaps more accurately, it could be considered an aristocracy. A form of governing that considers human equality a myth and is directly opposed to our Constitution where all people are created equal. Even worse still, it's sort of a reverse Robin Hood aristocracy where one steals from the poor to give to the rich.
Each Party sees their beliefs as correct and in direct opposition with the other. This causes partisan politics over almost every bill that comes up. Let me point out just a few of those where the Republican opposition has led to the statistic that Republicans of the 112th Congress are record holders at being "Obstructionists".
When the Democrats introduced a bill that gives medical benefits to those who did not previously have them, the Republicans opposed it. Since the Affordable Care Act places more regulation on the insurance industry and may cut into their profits, the Republicans voted to repeal it over 30 times.
When a bill to boost cyber-security is introduced that President Obama and the military has said is necessary, Republicans in the Senate block it, adding insult to injury by adding side bills to repeal the Affordable Care Act.
When the Obama Administration proposed a bill to limit coal miners exposure to coal dust, the Republicans blocked and delayed it.
When the bill to maintain the tax cuts for individuals making less than $250,000/year was introduced, the Republicans would not vote for it unless millionaires and billionaires could also still get the tax cut. Republicans still stand by the belief that benefitting the wealthy will create jobs, even though for the past twelve years, that has been proven not to be the case.
When Robert Bacharach was approved in committee for a Federal judgeship, the Republicans blocked him with a filibuster for no apparent reason. This was the first time in history that a previously approved candidate was blocked.
House Republicans refused to take up a vote on the Violence Against Women Act.
Senate Republicans refused to allow into discussion legislation introduced that would eliminate tax subsidies to companies that would ship jobs overseas and give new incentives to those who would keep jobs in America.
Republicans voted against the stimulus bill.
Republicans were against legislation that would require publishing campaign contributor names for anyone who gave over $10,000.
Republicans have publicly announced that their goal for this term is to "make Obama a one term President" and set up grid-lock with obstruction.
The Republicans were right about one thing; political obstruction does limit the success of a President. Apparently they also believe that the American public is ignorant about their obstructive actions which is largely responsible for the "do-nothing" title they so richly deserve.
We need to replace Republicans at all levels of government if the country is to survive this economic crisis. We can do that by your vote. I encourage you to end this grid-lock and get this great country back on its feet. Vote Democratic in all elections.