Captain Andrew M. was nearly ready to fly his new winged machine when it exploded as he reached for its underbelly. Seriously injured he was taken to Municipal Hospital where he met Susan T.
Susan was a Kindergarten teacher and now a patient at the hospital who had just been told her life would be shortened by accidental lead poisoning. It seems the chalkboard she had been using every day had been painted with lead paint.
Although cheated of life by this unfortunate situation, Susan felt sorry for Mary Y in the next room at the hospital. Mary was a prize winning baker who had lost a few fingers from a dangerous accident involving the oven she used to bake her delicasies.
Tom V. was a quiet young boy whose only friend in life had nearly choked him to death. Tom is lucky to be alive but has suffered some brain damage due to lack of oxygen to his brain during the fiasco.
Ruby O. became ill after dinner one night and suffered enough to be taken for treatment. Ruby did not see the light of day.
The common thread in all of this is that these characters are all children or animal pets that have suffered as a result of dangerous imported products.
In the United States and other westernized countries, citizens pay taxes for protection against such hazards. With dangerous products being manufactured by third world nations without much manufacturing control, citizens across the globe are becomming endangered.
A couple of years ago, I wrote a blog about psychopathic and unpatriotic business owners who gave American jobs away to third world nationals. Now we see some of the fruit of that decision. It is coming back to bite us.
American workers build quality products. An American worker is a quality worker. In many industries American workers must conform to regulatory guidelines to ensure safety of American products. So why do cheap imports, built with little or no attention to safety, get sent to America?
Let's turn this whole offshore strategy thing around. Refuse to buy foreign imports. Buy safe. Buy American.