Wednesday, January 05, 2022

Can Merrick Garland shake some sense into Trump's loyal MAGATS?


MAGA insurrection

It is nearly a year since Trump supporters were organized by former President Trump and the Republican leadership to attack the Capitol Building in an attempt to stop the transfer of power from Trump to Biden.  

Today, Merrick Garland, Biden Administration Attorney General, gave a public presentation of the progress that the Justice Department has made concerning the January 6, 2021 insurrection.  His explanation covered multiple areas of past, present and future activities of DOJ involvement. 

Garland explained that the investigation is being run in accordance with DOJ procedures and started with the lower level insurrectionists who broke into the Capitol building, but will not stop there.  In a sweeping statement, Garland indicated the DOJ will follow the facts as far as they lead.  Every person who was involved in the planning, encouragement, inciting, funding and desecration will be held accountable and suffer whatever punishments are appropriate by law regardless of who they are.  No one will be given favoritism because of stature, position, party membership or wealth and everyone will be treated equally.  It appears that this DOJ may really carry out consequences.  It is so important for the country to realize the culprits for who they really are.  Our Democracy depends on it. 

The seriousness of this investigation cannot be denied. The results may and should remove many in Republican leadership positions who financially supported the insurrectionists and contributed to the insurrection by promoting the lies that led to it.

Garland spoke directly about the "Big Lie."  The "Big Lie" is the prerequisite misdirection used by Donald Trump and the Republican leadership in order to enrage and incite their army of MAGATS to physically rise up against the government.  The "Big Lie" states that there was Democrat initiated election fraud in the 2020 elections and that Joe Biden stole the election from the "true" winner, Donald Trump.  It is a lie.  Garland mentioned that the intelligence communities and DOJ of both the Trump administration and the Biden administration found no election fraud.  Further he stated that the "Big Lie" was being used by Republican run states to initiate restrictive election laws that would deny many voters of their vote.  He mentioned that some states even established laws that would allow partisan (Republican) secretaries of state to throw out votes at their whim.  Garland indicated that the DOJ would do everything in their power to preserve the right to vote as that is the foundation of our Democracy.  Without a real sense that every citizen's vote is counted, America would become no different than the fake Democracies of other autocratic dictatorships.  Garland  appealed to the Congress to vote to initiate the actions of the Department of Justice to ensure the voting laws of the United States are not being violated.

Presumably the findings of the Congressional January sixth Committee will be shared with the DOJ, since it appears the DOJ will be further investigating the attack on American Democracy.

With so many MAGATS still stuck in the cult belief that the "Big Lie" is truth, it will probably be a cold day in Hell when they come around, but perhaps the DOJ investigation will help.  Something needs to shake them free of the mind control the GOP and Trump have on them.  For the sake of the country, I hope they see the light.