Whether you are Republican or Democrat, many people are upset with government. Some are so upset with what they call government establishment politicians, that they want something completely different. They want someone with no connection to the existing government infrastructure. Given the choices for President this year, they see Donald Trump, a person with more connections to the Russian government than the American government, as suitable.
Trump supporters are so angry with government, that they are willing to forgive Trump of all his trespasses. They have faith that a proven narcisisstic sociopath and sexual predator such as Trump can change his nature to become a true American dream of a patriotic and fair presidential Trump. Someone who will "drain the swamp" in Washington (as Donald tweets) to correct the injustices they have felt and that they believe have been caused by those politicians running the government now.
These angry feelings are understandable, but the source of this anger may be misdirected and the resolution of this anger by voting for Trump will only feel good for a very short time. Trump's transgressions and trespasses will only get worse if he becomes President.
We are dealing with a man who has serious mental illness that may not be curable. It prevents him from respecting anyone's opinion but his own. It causes him to do and say things that a psychologically healthy person would find abhorrent.
Winning is more important to him than being President, and if he should lose, his flaws will cause him to find unreasonable excuses and blame others. It causes him to assume an authoritarian personality which if elected, will make his term as President resemble a dictatorship more than democracy.
His business dealings with foreign governments will jeopardize foreign policy. His closeness to Russia may cause him to champion policy that will favor Russian world domination. He may even be seen by Putin as an unwitting partner in his pursuit of that effort. Imagine the influence that allying with the United States could have for Putin.
He has already shown an ignorance of our Constitution by challenging freedom of the press and stating that he would jail his political adversaries if elected. He even violates the rights of American citizens by claiming that an entire religion should be exiled from the country.
He has violated business ethics and treated workers and small businesses unfairly by refusing to pay for work performed according to business contracts. Many of his businesses have gone down to bankruptcy, which he feels makes him a smart businessman, showing complete apathy for the workers who lost jobs as a result.
He claims he will bring American jobs back to America, yet his own companies operate in China, India, Bangladesh and other third world nations.
I can continue on many more reasons that Donald Trump should not be President, but I promised in my title that there is a better way to resolve the situation that is causing so much anger with the government.
The American electorate agrees that the current Congress is worthless. We all know that nothing gets done there. One thing that may be missing from the explanation you have heard in the media is that not everyone there is useless. In fact, those people that are useless are the biggest reason you are angry, even if you don't realize it.
Republicans may not accept this explanation, but I would ask that you remain open minded and consider that the GOP may have caused your anger. If you are a devoted Fox News Republican, or listen to the multitude of right wing broadcasters, you may have been brainwashed into believing that Obama and the Congressional Democrats are responsible for all of your anger. I submit for your review a few of the things that I believe may have caused some of your anger.
If you don't have a good job, let me remind you that America's unemployed work force could be put back to work if the President's American Jobs Act was enacted. Unfortunately Congressional Republicans prevented passing it.
If you don't feel the improvement in the economy, remember that women earn less than men and yet could become equal in the workforce if legislation to prevent discrimination in wages was lifted by removing Republican obstruction. Women belong to families, so increasing women's wages increases family wages.
If you care about your fellow Americans, America's immigrant families could receive fairer treatment if Congressional Republican leadership would not disallow a vote. A bipartisan immigration effort was stifled by Republican leadership.
If you want to improve the finances of many Americans who work in lower paying jobs, and want to help stimulate the economy by putting more money in their hands, then an increase in the minimum wage could do it, except that Republicans refuse to support it.
The unfair control of government realized by the few uber-rich American contributors to the Republican party who influence their legislation and activities could be eliminated if Democrats were in the majority.
The economic theories of the GOP is summed up in the "trickle down" theory, which pretends that jobs will be created by giving tax breaks to the rich at the expense of the middle class. The failure of the theory has been proven over many years.
It fails because jobs will never be created unless demand for products increases. No business owner is going to increase the number of people working unless he needs them because the demand for product is exceeding current capacity of the workforce.
One way to benefit the economy, the rich and the middle class would be to increase the wealth of the middle class. This will allow them to spend more on products and stimulate demand. This would then allow the business to increase the workforce. Provided the businessman has some patriotism left, these new workers will be American workers.
This demand side policy has not been allowed into practice by Republicans who are in the majority in Congress and all attempts to introduce increased wages have been blocked by the Congressional GOP.
If you are a caring person, realizing that some poor children go to bed hungry should make you angry with Congressional Republicans whose cuts to the SNAP program are based on incorrectly identifying fraud as the reason for cutting aid.
If you are proud of your vote, then falsely imposed voting restrictions in Republican run states might make you angry.
Perhaps you are angry that Congress is spending millions of tax dollars on the Republican party's partisan witch-hunts based on false accusations. Maybe you would like to see this waste of money stop being the focus of the Congress. The GOP has already promised many more years of "witch hunts" if Hillary Clinton is elected.
America would never again renege on their debt obligations if Republicans are not given the power of the majority to cause it as they have already. Incidentally, this also added billions to our debt because of our decreased credit rating and increased interest charges as a result.
Dealing with scientific facts, the government could make more reasonable decisions to enact laws that protect our environment and prevent climate change if Republicans were not in control.
Near treasonous acts that show Republican leadership's opposition to government would end.
Using fear tactics and lies to persuade Americans into voting against their own self interest could end if Republicans are shown that using those unethical tactics cannot win them elections.
The federal government may never face another shutdown if Republicans were not in control.
Real efforts to fix the Affordable Care Act to protect Americans with health insurance would be possible and not face Republican efforts to repeal it and replace it with "something really terrific" but as yet unidentified and most likely non-existent.
We can accomplish all of this by voting for Democrats up and down the ticket. Believe it or not, it is your Republican run Congress that is causing your anger.
Your vote is the key. Don't waste it on four more years of obstruction. Your situation will improve as soon as we have reasonable politicians who put people before profits working in our government.
Showing posts with label Conspiracy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Conspiracy. Show all posts
Saturday, November 05, 2016
Wednesday, March 25, 2015
The Near Treasonous Acts of a Party Gone Mad
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Newest GOP moniker |
When John Boehner went behind the President's back and secretly asked Benjamin Netanyahu to address both houses of Congress so that he could drum up support for undermining the Iranian nuclear talks, he did it in direct opposition to the leader of the free world's wishes.
When forty-seven Republican Senators conspired and sent a letter to Iranian leaders intending to undermine the nuclear negotiations between the United States and Iran, we heard comparatively little discussion around those actions. There was no official condemnation and no one was held responsible or made amends or apologies to the American people, the Secretary of State or the administration.
And now we have evidence from the Central Intelligence Agency that Israel shared American secrets obtained from spying on the Iranian talks with America's own GOP Congressional leadership. Now it all fits together nicely.
Perhaps this information sharing was done well before John Boehner decided to ask Netanyahu to speak to Congress. Perhaps the knowledge obtained from Israel's spying was the reason John Boehner decided to ask Netanyahu to speak. Rather than going to the President with the information as a true patriot would, Boehner decided to stand up to the President and withhold evidence.
At the time of Netanyahu's speech to Congress, many observers thought that some of his points describing how the President's plan was going to facilitate Iran's race to a nuclear bomb were exaggerations since the plan itself was not released to the public yet. It appears now that whatever information Israel learned from their spying, whether it did or not, Netanyahu believed it would expedite achievement of an Iranian nuclear arsenal. With the proven tendency to be Obama administration conspiracy theorist experts, our senseless GOP leaders fell for it hook, line and sinker. They may have actually been played by Netanyahu.
The next move may be the thing that proves these Republican Congressmen are deserving of condemnation, legal penalties or loss of their jobs. They acted upon the stolen information that the Israeli spies shared with them when they sent that letter to the Iranian leaders. To any thinking American Congressman, it would seem that this act is risky, injurious to the discussions and potentially destabilizing to the region. But we are talking about Republicans. The only thoughts they have is how to make Obama seem ineffective as a leader. This one fit right in to their modus operandi.
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House Leader John Boehner, R-OH |
Republicans were outraged over Hillary Clinton's email, yet not one of them thinks anything is wrong with these peculiar, near treasonous actions taken by their own Party members.
Wake up America before it's too late.
Wednesday, October 02, 2013
Reid to GOP: Give up and become reasonable...(that'll never work.)
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Senator Harry Reid (D) |
To paraphrase, Senator Reid explains that the actions to close the government are an undeserved consequence of Republican actions which should never have been attempted.
Senator Reid wants Mr. Boehner to become reasonable and pass the Senate version of the clean continuing resolution after which Senator Reid promises to name nominees to a budget conference which he says can start as soon as the government re-opens.
In a nutshell, Harry Reid is asking Republicans to give up their master accomplishment, shutting down the government, in order to behave as reasonable people and compromise on government funding after they wake the government "monster" back up.
There are a number of reasons why Harry Reid's request will not be successful. However, he doesn't see it because he is a reasonable person who simply doesn't appear to understand the nature of the Republican mind.
First, the radical wing of the Republican party is instigating the government shutdown because they are
anarchists whose purpose is to eliminate government. They are actually happy that the government is shut-down. Because they have the ear of some simple-minded citizens and because they have tremendous amounts of cash coming in from like-minded anarchists, they control the Republican party right now.
Their plan all along has been to get the government into this precarious situation. The first step was to obstruct all Obama era legislation. The accomplishments of the 112th and 113th Congress since Republicans have been in control of the House are devoid of any substantial legislation. They are the two worst in the history of the United States.
Next they planned to starve government by allowing the sequester to happen. This was a Republican tactic from the beginning. John Boehner reminded us of how favorably Republicans see the sequester when he commented that their plan for the continuing resolution keeps the "savings brought about by the sequester."
They saw their next obstacle to government shutdown in Obamacare. They realized that implementing this program might squash or set their agenda back. Even their own constituents, as simple-minded as some of them are, might realize that affordable healthcare is something that they want and need from government. So in their minds this program must be destroyed.
And that brings us to where we are today. Republicans happy with the damage they have done to America so far, won't be completely satisfied until Obamacare is gone and they will do everything from spreading lies and rumors to creating legislation in Republican controlled states to block it, blame it, and make it look responsible for their devious behavior.
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Congressman Ryan (R) |
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House Speaker John Boehner (R) |
It was Paul Ryan who enthusiastically lectured Republicans on live TV just as the government was shutting-down, that the next hostage to use to get their way was the debt ceiling.
So expect the shut down to last at least until then and be prepared for economic melt-down if Republicans hold the debt ceiling hostage. Economists have compared the damage done by a government shut down to the damage done by defaulting on our debts as the difference between a hand grenade and global nuclear war.
But maybe that is what Republicans want.
Thursday, July 25, 2013
Legal action against Congressional Republicans is overdue
They wanted to make him a one term President. In a clandestine meeting they conspired to block every piece of legislation that supported his policies so he would be ineffective as a President. They lied about his intentions during the 2012 Presidential campaign. They continually lie about the Affordable Care Act and have voted to repeal it 37 times. They have even voted against their own legislation when it is clear that Obama supports it.
The obstruction happening in Congress is solely due to Republicans who hate Obama more than they love America. The most frustrating thing is that not all of America is as angry at Republicans as Republicans in Congress are with President Obama.
Because this Republican obstruction is a conspiracy that is intentionally designed to be destructive to America, Republicans in Congress are guilty of the crimes of "Conspiracy to Obstruct" and "Conspiracy to Defraud."
The following is the legal explanation of "Conspiracy to Obstruct" (18 U.S.C. 371).
Debt ceiling discussions are coming up again in the fall. Raising the debt ceiling is necessary to allow America to pay debts that Congress has already made. Republicans have already threatened to use the debt ceiling as leverage to get the administration to repeal the Affordable Care Act. Federal Reserve Chairman, Ben Bernanke and other financial experts have indicated to Congress, that blocking the debt ceiling increase will lead to a serious recession.
If Republicans go ahead with this threat it will do severe damage to the United States economy with their full approval. This is more than ordinary politics. It is akin to a terrorist threat that means to do harm to America.
If Republicans block debt ceiling increases, Attorney General Eric Holder would be correct to bring them up on criminal charges. Republicans in Congress have so far escaped legal action for their conspiracy against the United States, but they are no longer legitimate politicians. If they place America into default on its debts they have entered into the realm of disobedience to law and deserve to be held accountable.
The chances of legal action against them are slim but you can do something about them. Write them, call them and tell others how you feel about their actions. Doing this now may help avoid disaster. Don't wait until it's too late and you are personally affected by their actions.
At the very least, please vote them out of office in the 2014 mid-term elections and help get government working for all the people and not against them.
The obstruction happening in Congress is solely due to Republicans who hate Obama more than they love America. The most frustrating thing is that not all of America is as angry at Republicans as Republicans in Congress are with President Obama.
Because this Republican obstruction is a conspiracy that is intentionally designed to be destructive to America, Republicans in Congress are guilty of the crimes of "Conspiracy to Obstruct" and "Conspiracy to Defraud."
The following is the legal explanation of "Conspiracy to Obstruct" (18 U.S.C. 371).
If two or more persons conspire either to commit any offense against the United States or to defraud the United States, or any agency thereof in any manner or for any purpose, and one or more of such persons do any act to effect the object of the conspiracy, each shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than five years, or both.
The following is the legal explanation of "Conspiracy to Defraud"
Section 371 contains both a general conspiracy prohibition and a specific obstruction conspiracy prohibition in the form of a conspiracy to defraud proscription. The elements of conspiracy to defraud the United States are: (1) an agreement of two more individuals; (2) to defraud the United States; and (3) an overt act by one of conspirators in furtherance of the scheme. The "fraud covered by the statute ‘reaches any conspiracy for the purpose of impairing, obstructing or defeating the lawful functions of any department of Government” by “deceit, craft or trickery, or at least by means that are dishonest.” The scheme may be designed to deprive the United States of money or property, but it need not be so; a plot calculated to frustrate the functions of a governmental entity will suffice.

If Republicans go ahead with this threat it will do severe damage to the United States economy with their full approval. This is more than ordinary politics. It is akin to a terrorist threat that means to do harm to America.
If Republicans block debt ceiling increases, Attorney General Eric Holder would be correct to bring them up on criminal charges. Republicans in Congress have so far escaped legal action for their conspiracy against the United States, but they are no longer legitimate politicians. If they place America into default on its debts they have entered into the realm of disobedience to law and deserve to be held accountable.
The chances of legal action against them are slim but you can do something about them. Write them, call them and tell others how you feel about their actions. Doing this now may help avoid disaster. Don't wait until it's too late and you are personally affected by their actions.
At the very least, please vote them out of office in the 2014 mid-term elections and help get government working for all the people and not against them.
Saturday, June 29, 2013
Issa committee is still wasting time and taxpayer money on the IRS non-scandal
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Darrell Issa |
On June 28th, the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform met to hold a markup session of a resolution that Lois Lerner waived her Fifth Amendment privilege against self-incrimination when she made a voluntary opening statement at the May 22, 2013 full Committee hearing entitled "The IRS: Targeting Americans for Their Political Beliefs"
Just as an aside, doesn't the committee hearing's name give you the idea that Issa and his gang of numb-skulls have a pre-formed prejudicial view of the IRS that they are trying to impose on the rest of America? I can't say that they are jumping to conclusions, but Republicans really have a knack for making our government appear to be the enemy.
Be it resolved then, that the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform have hereby found new interpretations to the intent of the Fifth Amendment. I guess they read between the lines of the text of the amendment.
Let's see if you can find the same interpretation by reading the actual text of the amendment that follows.
"No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a grand jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the militia, when in actual service in time of war or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offense to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation."
There are many rights stated in the amendment. Did you find the hidden meaning that the Committee found? If you did, then "taking the fifth" may mean something entirely different to you and may have more to do with imbibing a certain size of alcoholic spirits than constitutional law.
There is nothing in the amendment that indicates a person forfeits their fifth amendment right protecting them from being compelled to be a witness against themselves if they say anything in defense of themselves first.
The simple truth is that Issa, frustrated that this attempt at a Republican generated conspiracy theory did not lead directly to the President's door, is trying to find some way of making his Committee's efforts appear something more than a waste of time.
But they have been nothing more.
Sunday, May 19, 2013
TIGTA says no evidence leads to White House participation in IRS 501(c) scandal
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So full of joy were Republicans when another so-called scandal looked like it could involve the upper levels of the Obama administration. I'll call it the IRS501(c) scandal, even though calling it a scandal is a real stretch.
Fox news contributors seriously reported that this IRS manipulation was being controlled by the White House so that Republicans would lose Ohio. This had to be the case they believed, otherwise Obama would have lost the 2012 Presidential election. People say ignorance is bliss but spreading that kind of misinformation is unforgivable.
The Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration (TIGTA) was notified by certain Republican members of Congress that they suspected wrongdoing at the IRS. The TIGTA did an audit investigation of the situation at the IRS and published their findings. They found no evidence that the White House was involved in any way.
The incident took place during a time when Douglas H. Shulman was IRS Commissioner. Mr. Shulman was a Republican and a George W. Bush appointee to the office. Does anyone seriously think (other than Fox news and the radical right wing media) that President Obama could manipulate a Republican to target other Republicans for political gain? Of course not.
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George W. Bush |
And what happened at the IRS exactly? The IRS saw a dramatic increase in the number of applications by groups and individuals for 501(c)3 and 501(c)4 tax exempt status for their organization. Per tax regulations 501(c)3 exempt organizations cannot have political ties at all and must receive IRS approval. The 501(c)4 organizations may only have limited and not primary focus on political issues. It is the job of the IRS to investigate these applications to ensure that they meet the requirements.
The IRS receives nearly 70,000 tax exemption requests each year. All of the applications for tax exemption are sent to the IRS office in Cincinnati, Ohio where less than 200 employees must review each one. In order to facilitate this daunting task, some of the workers there used character searches to find those exemptions that may be 501(c)3 or 501(c)4 types. Since the workers noticed a lot of the applications had words such as "Tea Party" and "Patriot" which implied to them that they may be 501(c) exemption requests , they used such words to help them filter out the applications.
IRS indicates that these were not the only search terms used and that there was no political bias intended in any of their searches. In fact only 70 of the 296 cases reviewed contained the words "Tea Party". However, IRS management realizes that this method is "inappropriate" and vows to change the process. They note that even if the search process was not used, information in the application would still have targeted these same groups for follow-up (or as IRS calls it "centralization".) There are currently 470 cases that are centralized.
They identified that ineffective IRS management:
1) allowed inappropriate criteria to be developed and stay in place for more than 18 months,
2) resulted in substantial delays in processing certain applications, and
3) allowed unnecessary information requests to be issued.
Although the processing of some applications with potential significant political campaign intervention was started soon after receipt, no work was completed on the majority of these applications for 13 months. This was due to delays in receiving assistance from the Exempt Organizations function Headquarters office.
For the 296 total political campaign intervention applications TIGTA reviewed as of December 17, 2012, 108 had been approved, 28 were withdrawn by the applicants, none had been denied, and 160 were open from 206 to 1,138 calendar days (some for more than three years and crossing two election cycles).
More than 20 months after the initial case was identified, processing the cases began in earnest. Many organizations received requests for additional information from the IRS that included unnecessary, burdensome questions (e.g., lists of past and future donors). The IRS later informed some organizations that they did not need to provide previously requested information. IRS officials stated that any donor information received in response to a request from its Determinations Unit was later destroyed.
Ultimately, this so-called scandal is really a few IRS employees innocently trying to expedite their work assignments by a process which coincidentally gives the perception of political bias to people so biased in their own beliefs and so quick to judgement that they were inclined to blow this out of proportion, especially in their attempts to link it to President Obama.
Monday, May 13, 2013
Can we learn anything from Republican accusations about Benghazi?
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Serious concerns or political posturing? |
Despite the public statements of Darrell Issa that Republicans are not targeting President Obama or Hilary Clinton, the outrage of Republicans is aimed at the so-called "cover-up" which the Republicans claim that the Obama administration is pursuing and not in finding ways to prevent such a tragedy in the future.
Presented below is a brief description of the Benghazi incidents at the US diplomatic offices and the CIA annex. Perhaps we can learn from this information to focus on prevention and escape the disgraceful accusations that Republicans are making for political gain, at least for a little while. I have highlighted in red font any sections that we might learn from for later discussion.
There were about seven Americans in the US diplomatic offices in Benghazi, Libya when 125 to 150 armed terrorists attacked the building on the evening of September 11, 2012 around 9:40PM local time. That night four Americans would die.
A Diplomatic Security Service Agent sounded the alarm that an attack was underway. DSS special agent Scott Strickland secured Ambassador Stevens and Sean Smith, an information management officer, into a secure area. Other agents left for another building to retrieve their weapons but could not return because of enemy gun fire.
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Benghazi Consulate |
The attackers entered the main building and set fires with gasoline. The thick smoke made Stevens, Smith and Strickland move to a bathroom but the smoke made them decide to exit the safe area. Strickland left through a window but Stevens and Smith did not follow. Although Strickland returned several times he could not find them. Strickland returned to the roof where he radioed for help.
Three agents returned to the building and found Smith's body but could not find Stevens.
The Regional Security Office placed calls for help to the CIA building in Benghazi and the embassy in Tripoli but the calls were cut off. The Global Response Staff at the CIA office, led by Tyrone S. Woods, made a plan to mount a rescue operation into the Benghazi diplomatic compound. By 10:05 PM they embarked on the rescue operation.
When arriving at the diplomatic offices, the rescue team found Sean Smith who was unconscious and later died. They could not find Stevens and decided to return to the CIA annex with the survivors and Smith's body. On the way back they were attacked by an armed force but were able to make it back.
Around 1:00 AM Ambassador Stevens was found by local citizens and taken to a hospital where he was administered CPR for about 90 minutes but died from smoke asphyxiation he incurred while trapped in the building.
After midnight, a second attack on the CIA annex began. CIA defenses were able to withstand the attack until the early morning hours. At that time Libyan government forces met up with seven American reinforcements from Tripoli at Benghazi airport.
Around 5:00AM the Libyans and American forces arrived at the CIA annex to deliver 32 American survivors back to evacuate through Benghazi airport. Minutes after arriving, they were met with heavy enemy fire. They took up defensive positions.
With a lull in the gun fire, Glen Doherty began searching for his friend Tyrone Woods. He found him manning an MK46 machine gun on the roof of the annex. Minutes later Woods was hit by mortar fire and killed. After retaking a new position Glen Doherty was killed by a second mortar explosion.
The remaining survivors escaped serious injury although fired upon while leaving as they were being evacuated to the airport.
The CIA had successfully rescued six members of the State Department, evacuated about thirty Americans out of Benghazi and recovered Smith's body.
Some sensitive documents remained in the diplomatic offices. Some listed the names of Libyans working with Americans and some relating to oil contracts.
Here are some quick and easy things I think I have learned from this.
Agents that might have helped Stevens and Smith left the building where Steven's was hiding in order to get their weapons which were stored in a separate building. My learning: US embassies and diplomatic buildings should have a mini-arsenal conveniently located in each building where personnel are located.
The attackers entered the building and set fires. These fires were apparently not put out by any fire extinguishers or automatic sprinkler systems in the buildings. My learning: US Embassy and diplomatic buildings should all be built with fire sprinkler systems.
Stevens and Smith were overcome by smoke inhalation. There were no respirators or air supply lines in the safe area. My learning: American Embassy and Diplomatic building safe areas should all be stocked with respirators and self-contained oxygen supplying units as standard safety equipment.
Sensitive documents were left behind. This may endanger some of the allies of America. My learning: Sensitive documents should be scanned and stored on computer storage devices and then destroyed. The storage devices should be stored in specially constructed file cabinets that can safely self destruct at the push of a button.
These things would all cost money, so the Republicans in Congress will probably block any such ideas as they did once already. People should not forget that it was the Republicans who denied the State Department $300 million in order to beef up Embassy security around the world. This should also be a lesson learned: Republicans in Congress are willing to put American heroes in harms way and then when the inevitable worst thing happens, they are the first to point fingers away from themselves.
Of course, there may be other lessons to be learned from the attack on the diplomatic buildings and CIA annex in Benghazi, but trying to place blame on the Obama administration for the attack or for a cover-up serves no good purpose for America. But then Republicans have demonstrated over and over, that they are the party that stands for no good purpose.
Republicans have proven that they hate this President with all their thoughts, words and deeds. They are willing to push this story for any damage it can do and will insist that there is a link directly to the President, even when the facts prove otherwise.
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