Whether you are Republican or Democrat, many people are upset with government. Some are so upset with what they call government establishment politicians, that they want something completely different. They want someone with no connection to the existing government infrastructure. Given the choices for President this year, they see Donald Trump, a person with more connections to the Russian government than the American government, as suitable.
Trump supporters are so angry with government, that they are willing to forgive Trump of all his trespasses. They have faith that a proven narcisisstic sociopath and sexual predator such as Trump can change his nature to become a true American dream of a patriotic and fair presidential Trump. Someone who will "drain the swamp" in Washington (as Donald tweets) to correct the injustices they have felt and that they believe have been caused by those politicians running the government now.
These angry feelings are understandable, but the source of this anger may be misdirected and the resolution of this anger by voting for Trump will only feel good for a very short time. Trump's transgressions and trespasses will only get worse if he becomes President.
We are dealing with a man who has serious mental illness that may not be curable. It prevents him from respecting anyone's opinion but his own. It causes him to do and say things that a psychologically healthy person would find abhorrent.
Winning is more important to him than being President, and if he should lose, his flaws will cause him to find unreasonable excuses and blame others. It causes him to assume an authoritarian personality which if elected, will make his term as President resemble a dictatorship more than democracy.
His business dealings with foreign governments will jeopardize foreign policy. His closeness to Russia may cause him to champion policy that will favor Russian world domination. He may even be seen by Putin as an unwitting partner in his pursuit of that effort. Imagine the influence that allying with the United States could have for Putin.
He has already shown an ignorance of our Constitution by challenging freedom of the press and stating that he would jail his political adversaries if elected. He even violates the rights of American citizens by claiming that an entire religion should be exiled from the country.
He has violated business ethics and treated workers and small businesses unfairly by refusing to pay for work performed according to business contracts. Many of his businesses have gone down to bankruptcy, which he feels makes him a smart businessman, showing complete apathy for the workers who lost jobs as a result.
He claims he will bring American jobs back to America, yet his own companies operate in China, India, Bangladesh and other third world nations.
I can continue on many more reasons that Donald Trump should not be President, but I promised in my title that there is a better way to resolve the situation that is causing so much anger with the government.
The American electorate agrees that the current Congress is worthless. We all know that nothing gets done there. One thing that may be missing from the explanation you have heard in the media is that not everyone there is useless. In fact, those people that are useless are the biggest reason you are angry, even if you don't realize it.
Republicans may not accept this explanation, but I would ask that you remain open minded and consider that the GOP may have caused your anger. If you are a devoted Fox News Republican, or listen to the multitude of right wing broadcasters, you may have been brainwashed into believing that Obama and the Congressional Democrats are responsible for all of your anger. I submit for your review a few of the things that I believe may have caused some of your anger.
If you don't have a good job, let me remind you that America's unemployed work force could be put back to work if the President's American Jobs Act was enacted. Unfortunately Congressional Republicans prevented passing it.
If you don't feel the improvement in the economy, remember that women earn less than men and yet could become equal in the workforce if legislation to prevent discrimination in wages was lifted by removing Republican obstruction. Women belong to families, so increasing women's wages increases family wages.
If you care about your fellow Americans, America's immigrant families could receive fairer treatment if Congressional Republican leadership would not disallow a vote. A bipartisan immigration effort was stifled by Republican leadership.
If you want to improve the finances of many Americans who work in lower paying jobs, and want to help stimulate the economy by putting more money in their hands, then an increase in the minimum wage could do it, except that Republicans refuse to support it.
The unfair control of government realized by the few uber-rich American contributors to the Republican party who influence their legislation and activities could be eliminated if Democrats were in the majority.
The economic theories of the GOP is summed up in the "trickle down" theory, which pretends that jobs will be created by giving tax breaks to the rich at the expense of the middle class. The failure of the theory has been proven over many years.
It fails because jobs will never be created unless demand for products increases. No business owner is going to increase the number of people working unless he needs them because the demand for product is exceeding current capacity of the workforce.
One way to benefit the economy, the rich and the middle class would be to increase the wealth of the middle class. This will allow them to spend more on products and stimulate demand. This would then allow the business to increase the workforce. Provided the businessman has some patriotism left, these new workers will be American workers.
This demand side policy has not been allowed into practice by Republicans who are in the majority in Congress and all attempts to introduce increased wages have been blocked by the Congressional GOP.
If you are a caring person, realizing that some poor children go to bed hungry should make you angry with Congressional Republicans whose cuts to the SNAP program are based on incorrectly identifying fraud as the reason for cutting aid.
If you are proud of your vote, then falsely imposed voting restrictions in Republican run states might make you angry.
Perhaps you are angry that Congress is spending millions of tax dollars on the Republican party's partisan witch-hunts based on false accusations. Maybe you would like to see this waste of money stop being the focus of the Congress. The GOP has already promised many more years of "witch hunts" if Hillary Clinton is elected.
America would never again renege on their debt obligations if Republicans are not given the power of the majority to cause it as they have already. Incidentally, this also added billions to our debt because of our decreased credit rating and increased interest charges as a result.
Dealing with scientific facts, the government could make more reasonable decisions to enact laws that protect our environment and prevent climate change if Republicans were not in control.
Near treasonous acts that show Republican leadership's opposition to government would end.
Using fear tactics and lies to persuade Americans into voting against their own self interest could end if Republicans are shown that using those unethical tactics cannot win them elections.
The federal government may never face another shutdown if Republicans were not in control.
Real efforts to fix the Affordable Care Act to protect Americans with health insurance would be possible and not face Republican efforts to repeal it and replace it with "something really terrific" but as yet unidentified and most likely non-existent.
We can accomplish all of this by voting for Democrats up and down the ticket. Believe it or not, it is your Republican run Congress that is causing your anger.
Your vote is the key. Don't waste it on four more years of obstruction. Your situation will improve as soon as we have reasonable politicians who put people before profits working in our government.
Showing posts with label Fiscal Policy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fiscal Policy. Show all posts
Saturday, November 05, 2016
Monday, August 08, 2016
Living in the past, Trump reincarnates Reagan trickle down plan as most forward looking policy for America
Trump speaking in Detroit |
Trump believes that taxes are the biggest differentiation between him and Hillary. He repeated his campaign's rhetoric and false claim that Hillary says she will increase taxes on the middle class.
Overall, his approach to taxes is to reduce them for most people, but especially for the wealthy and Corporate America. Although he stated that he is the future thinking of American taxes, his tax plan is to reactivate the 1980's Reagan trickle down economic policy, which many argue does not increase the number of jobs, or give wage increases to workers. What it does do is pad the bank accounts of the extremely rich. He spoke nothing about minimum wage increases.
The "trickle down" policy is cited as one of the major reasons for the redistribution of wealth from the middle class to the rich which caused today's income inequality. Most of his recommendations would reduce revenue to run the Federal government and likely increase the deficit unless severe cuts are made to the social safety net or other programs thought unworthy by a Republican Congress.
For example, Donald Trump admits that the tax code is extremely complicated but does not mention how the tax code would change, other than by reducing the number of tax brackets from seven down to three. The three brackets would be 12%, 25% and 33%.
Donald believes that taxes and regulation on Corporate America have had the most adverse impact on reducing the GDP. Further, he believes that reducing the already highest business tax rate of all western countries from 35% to 15% will improve the economy and spur on business investments and job growth. The problem with that statement is that 2/3 of all businesses pay no taxes and those that do, have their taxes reduced through exemptions, deductions and off-shore tax havens to about 12.6%. If reduction in Corporate taxes had any long term impact on increasing jobs or increasing wages, we should have already seen it. We have not.
Not stopping there to improve the lives of the wealthy, Mr. Trump also advocates elimination of estate taxes. This was received by a large round of applause from the audience, who apparently either are very rich themselves or do not understand that estate taxes are not paid by any family having less than a $10.8 million estate.
Mr. Trump indicates that the rich will pay their fair share of taxes, but this is very subjective. Mr. Trump did not get into details on what constitutes a fair share. For example, if a Corporate CEO who enjoys a $15 million annual income shelters $14 million of it in offshore tax shelters, does he pay tax on the $15 million or $1 million? Even if he finds legal ways to protect most of that income, what constitutes a fair share?
One tax advantage offered that could favor working women is elimination of all child care expenses from taxes. Again no specifics but on the surface, it appears that provided you have a job and a child in day care, your child care costs might be deductible from your gross income and not be subject to a tax. The average cost of child care for working women is about $200 per week, so this has the potential to save over $10,000 from being taxed. We'll have to see how a Republican Congress would find this proposal, but if history is any indicator, Republicans are not very generous appropriating money for such social reasons.
For example, on the subject of equal pay, if Republicans in Congress passed equal pay legislation, women's wages would be increased by about 30%, potentially increasing the take home pay by much more than $10,000. That has been rejected by Republicans more than once. My guess is that Trump's child care deduction will be solidly rejected if Republicans stay in control of Congress.
Donald indicates that more about his tax policies can be found on his website.
Wednesday, October 02, 2013
Reid to GOP: Give up and become reasonable...(that'll never work.)
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Senator Harry Reid (D) |
To paraphrase, Senator Reid explains that the actions to close the government are an undeserved consequence of Republican actions which should never have been attempted.
Senator Reid wants Mr. Boehner to become reasonable and pass the Senate version of the clean continuing resolution after which Senator Reid promises to name nominees to a budget conference which he says can start as soon as the government re-opens.
In a nutshell, Harry Reid is asking Republicans to give up their master accomplishment, shutting down the government, in order to behave as reasonable people and compromise on government funding after they wake the government "monster" back up.
There are a number of reasons why Harry Reid's request will not be successful. However, he doesn't see it because he is a reasonable person who simply doesn't appear to understand the nature of the Republican mind.
First, the radical wing of the Republican party is instigating the government shutdown because they are
anarchists whose purpose is to eliminate government. They are actually happy that the government is shut-down. Because they have the ear of some simple-minded citizens and because they have tremendous amounts of cash coming in from like-minded anarchists, they control the Republican party right now.
Their plan all along has been to get the government into this precarious situation. The first step was to obstruct all Obama era legislation. The accomplishments of the 112th and 113th Congress since Republicans have been in control of the House are devoid of any substantial legislation. They are the two worst in the history of the United States.
Next they planned to starve government by allowing the sequester to happen. This was a Republican tactic from the beginning. John Boehner reminded us of how favorably Republicans see the sequester when he commented that their plan for the continuing resolution keeps the "savings brought about by the sequester."
They saw their next obstacle to government shutdown in Obamacare. They realized that implementing this program might squash or set their agenda back. Even their own constituents, as simple-minded as some of them are, might realize that affordable healthcare is something that they want and need from government. So in their minds this program must be destroyed.
And that brings us to where we are today. Republicans happy with the damage they have done to America so far, won't be completely satisfied until Obamacare is gone and they will do everything from spreading lies and rumors to creating legislation in Republican controlled states to block it, blame it, and make it look responsible for their devious behavior.
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Congressman Ryan (R) |
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House Speaker John Boehner (R) |
It was Paul Ryan who enthusiastically lectured Republicans on live TV just as the government was shutting-down, that the next hostage to use to get their way was the debt ceiling.
So expect the shut down to last at least until then and be prepared for economic melt-down if Republicans hold the debt ceiling hostage. Economists have compared the damage done by a government shut down to the damage done by defaulting on our debts as the difference between a hand grenade and global nuclear war.
But maybe that is what Republicans want.
Thursday, July 25, 2013
Legal action against Congressional Republicans is overdue
They wanted to make him a one term President. In a clandestine meeting they conspired to block every piece of legislation that supported his policies so he would be ineffective as a President. They lied about his intentions during the 2012 Presidential campaign. They continually lie about the Affordable Care Act and have voted to repeal it 37 times. They have even voted against their own legislation when it is clear that Obama supports it.
The obstruction happening in Congress is solely due to Republicans who hate Obama more than they love America. The most frustrating thing is that not all of America is as angry at Republicans as Republicans in Congress are with President Obama.
Because this Republican obstruction is a conspiracy that is intentionally designed to be destructive to America, Republicans in Congress are guilty of the crimes of "Conspiracy to Obstruct" and "Conspiracy to Defraud."
The following is the legal explanation of "Conspiracy to Obstruct" (18 U.S.C. 371).
Debt ceiling discussions are coming up again in the fall. Raising the debt ceiling is necessary to allow America to pay debts that Congress has already made. Republicans have already threatened to use the debt ceiling as leverage to get the administration to repeal the Affordable Care Act. Federal Reserve Chairman, Ben Bernanke and other financial experts have indicated to Congress, that blocking the debt ceiling increase will lead to a serious recession.
If Republicans go ahead with this threat it will do severe damage to the United States economy with their full approval. This is more than ordinary politics. It is akin to a terrorist threat that means to do harm to America.
If Republicans block debt ceiling increases, Attorney General Eric Holder would be correct to bring them up on criminal charges. Republicans in Congress have so far escaped legal action for their conspiracy against the United States, but they are no longer legitimate politicians. If they place America into default on its debts they have entered into the realm of disobedience to law and deserve to be held accountable.
The chances of legal action against them are slim but you can do something about them. Write them, call them and tell others how you feel about their actions. Doing this now may help avoid disaster. Don't wait until it's too late and you are personally affected by their actions.
At the very least, please vote them out of office in the 2014 mid-term elections and help get government working for all the people and not against them.
The obstruction happening in Congress is solely due to Republicans who hate Obama more than they love America. The most frustrating thing is that not all of America is as angry at Republicans as Republicans in Congress are with President Obama.
Because this Republican obstruction is a conspiracy that is intentionally designed to be destructive to America, Republicans in Congress are guilty of the crimes of "Conspiracy to Obstruct" and "Conspiracy to Defraud."
The following is the legal explanation of "Conspiracy to Obstruct" (18 U.S.C. 371).
If two or more persons conspire either to commit any offense against the United States or to defraud the United States, or any agency thereof in any manner or for any purpose, and one or more of such persons do any act to effect the object of the conspiracy, each shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than five years, or both.
The following is the legal explanation of "Conspiracy to Defraud"
Section 371 contains both a general conspiracy prohibition and a specific obstruction conspiracy prohibition in the form of a conspiracy to defraud proscription. The elements of conspiracy to defraud the United States are: (1) an agreement of two more individuals; (2) to defraud the United States; and (3) an overt act by one of conspirators in furtherance of the scheme. The "fraud covered by the statute ‘reaches any conspiracy for the purpose of impairing, obstructing or defeating the lawful functions of any department of Government” by “deceit, craft or trickery, or at least by means that are dishonest.” The scheme may be designed to deprive the United States of money or property, but it need not be so; a plot calculated to frustrate the functions of a governmental entity will suffice.

If Republicans go ahead with this threat it will do severe damage to the United States economy with their full approval. This is more than ordinary politics. It is akin to a terrorist threat that means to do harm to America.
If Republicans block debt ceiling increases, Attorney General Eric Holder would be correct to bring them up on criminal charges. Republicans in Congress have so far escaped legal action for their conspiracy against the United States, but they are no longer legitimate politicians. If they place America into default on its debts they have entered into the realm of disobedience to law and deserve to be held accountable.
The chances of legal action against them are slim but you can do something about them. Write them, call them and tell others how you feel about their actions. Doing this now may help avoid disaster. Don't wait until it's too late and you are personally affected by their actions.
At the very least, please vote them out of office in the 2014 mid-term elections and help get government working for all the people and not against them.
Wednesday, July 24, 2013
The straw that breaks the elephants back?
President Obama taught Americans about demand side economics today in a speech designed to kick-start action in Congress and allow Republicans to show they are serious about John Boehner's so far empty slogan "...Republicans most important action is to create jobs, jobs, jobs." His presentation was inspiring and showed his sincere concern for America's middle class as well as his understanding about real solutions to initiating economic prosperity for all Americans.
Specifically he spoke about and elaborated on the cornerstones of improving the economy. These are:
1. Good Jobs with decent wages and benefits. His efforts will be towards recognizing companies that keep jobs in America and treat their employees fairly.
2. Education programs to prepare children for global competition. He spoke about the need for pre-school for all 4 year olds; improving school infrastructures; reversing the student loan rate increase and making college affordable for all Americans.
3. Home ownership. He wants to encourage ownership based on solid foundation of fair and clear rules and asked Congress to take action to encourage families to refinance at low rates.
4. Secure retirement. He believes America has an upside down system where the wealthy get generous tax exceptions to save but the lower classes do not get the same breaks. He wants to allow the middle class to save money and belay fears of poverty in retirement. He reminded Congress that passing immigration reform makes undocumented workers pay their taxes and shores up social security.
5. Health Care focus. He wants Americans to have security in knowing neither accident nor illness will cause you to lose your savings. The affordable care act means a better deal for people. Private insurers will compete for your business. Pre-existing conditions will have to be covered. Health care costs are being driven down. Some states are finding that premiums will be 50% lower. The Affordable care act ensures health insurance coverage for 26 year olds under their parents plan. He does not know why Republicans want to repeal such a benefit for people.
6. Rebuild opportunity for those who have not made it. The President believes that too many are still in poverty. He recognizes that America does not guarantee success and people need to be self-reliant. But he wants there to be a quality of opportunity and upward mobility available for everyone. The American idea is that you can make it if you work hard, but opportunity is harder to find over the last 30 years. We must do more to give every American the chance to make it to the middle class.
He wants to rebuild run down neighborhoods. He again calls for raising the minimum wage. He believes economic growth will benefit everyone when it comes from the middle class out and not top down. Even without Congress he says he will do whatever is in his power to focus on that philosophy. He is calling on the private sector to step up and for Democrats to redesign or get rid of non-workable programs.
7. Republicans must work with the President to find common ground. President Obama thinks there are Republicans who privately agree with his policies in Congress now but they are afraid of retribution from their party. He identifies Republicans in Congress as the greatest obstruction that hampers economic growth. Republicans must now lay out their ideas. He reminds them that you can't just be against something. He insists they must be for something. He is ready to work with Republicans if they have any ideas. He says if Republicans have any better ideas then they should stop taking ludicrous repeal votes and share their ideas with the country. The President will not accept deals that do not meet the test of strengthening hard working families.
Still focused on the Republican obstruction in Congress, the President says that doing nothing will lose a part of the character of America. The American dream will be lost and the position of the middle class will erode further. Money politics will destroy our country more. Fundamental optimism will give way to cynicism. He warns "that's not the vision of America we should settle for."
The President appeals to the moral compass of Republicans to stop the fighting in order to think about the American way of life. Making America special is not to focus on making the few wealthy. It's about making America benefit. It's an American dream; not Obama's dream or Sally's dream or John's dream.
Unfortunately, demand side economics flies in the face of Congressional Republicans view of the
pathway for economic success. According to Republicans since Ronald Reagan, supply side economics is the way to trickle down prosperity to the lower levels of society. This means bolstering the wealthy with tax cuts and government money while reducing government spending on the public infrastructure and reducing government spending that benefits the weakest in society.
One must remember that Republican majority leader John Boehner assigned Paul Ryan to create their proposed budget. Paul Ryan is a firm believer in Ayn Rand's anti-Christian policies of survival of the fittest. As such his proposed budget slashes government programs that benefit the general public and the poorest in society in favor of tax cuts and government subsidy entitlements for the wealthiest Americans. Even though Republicans will stand fervently united in their faith of supply side economics, economists have identified the undeniable fact that only the wealthy benefit from it.
From demand comes business profits. Without demand, businesses will hold onto their cash reserves, remove jobs to be more in line with decreased demand and find cheaper ways to produce their products.
This is exactly what we have seen in the rush to manufacture in foreign countries, finding cheaper foreign workers, suppressing unions, hiring temporary and part-time workers instead of higher paid full time employees and keeping wages for Americans low. Without demand, any business would not survive. American workers who are the product consumers provide businesses with that demand. Bolstering the working class would benefit businesses and improve the economy for everyone.
So will Republicans rally around President Obama's vision of economic prosperity? My opinion is that they would rather ruin our economy by disallowing debt ceiling increases than changing this basic misunderstanding that they have about economics.
So what will the President's speech accomplish if our government is still obstructed by Republicans? Perhaps I give more credit to the American voter than is due, but I believe this speech will setup the failure of Republicans in the 2014 mid-term elections. Any thinking American voter will understand the concept and should be fed up with Republican obstruction.
This speech may be the straw that breaks the elephants back.
Specifically he spoke about and elaborated on the cornerstones of improving the economy. These are:
1. Good Jobs with decent wages and benefits. His efforts will be towards recognizing companies that keep jobs in America and treat their employees fairly.
2. Education programs to prepare children for global competition. He spoke about the need for pre-school for all 4 year olds; improving school infrastructures; reversing the student loan rate increase and making college affordable for all Americans.
3. Home ownership. He wants to encourage ownership based on solid foundation of fair and clear rules and asked Congress to take action to encourage families to refinance at low rates.
4. Secure retirement. He believes America has an upside down system where the wealthy get generous tax exceptions to save but the lower classes do not get the same breaks. He wants to allow the middle class to save money and belay fears of poverty in retirement. He reminded Congress that passing immigration reform makes undocumented workers pay their taxes and shores up social security.
5. Health Care focus. He wants Americans to have security in knowing neither accident nor illness will cause you to lose your savings. The affordable care act means a better deal for people. Private insurers will compete for your business. Pre-existing conditions will have to be covered. Health care costs are being driven down. Some states are finding that premiums will be 50% lower. The Affordable care act ensures health insurance coverage for 26 year olds under their parents plan. He does not know why Republicans want to repeal such a benefit for people.
6. Rebuild opportunity for those who have not made it. The President believes that too many are still in poverty. He recognizes that America does not guarantee success and people need to be self-reliant. But he wants there to be a quality of opportunity and upward mobility available for everyone. The American idea is that you can make it if you work hard, but opportunity is harder to find over the last 30 years. We must do more to give every American the chance to make it to the middle class.
He wants to rebuild run down neighborhoods. He again calls for raising the minimum wage. He believes economic growth will benefit everyone when it comes from the middle class out and not top down. Even without Congress he says he will do whatever is in his power to focus on that philosophy. He is calling on the private sector to step up and for Democrats to redesign or get rid of non-workable programs.
7. Republicans must work with the President to find common ground. President Obama thinks there are Republicans who privately agree with his policies in Congress now but they are afraid of retribution from their party. He identifies Republicans in Congress as the greatest obstruction that hampers economic growth. Republicans must now lay out their ideas. He reminds them that you can't just be against something. He insists they must be for something. He is ready to work with Republicans if they have any ideas. He says if Republicans have any better ideas then they should stop taking ludicrous repeal votes and share their ideas with the country. The President will not accept deals that do not meet the test of strengthening hard working families.
Still focused on the Republican obstruction in Congress, the President says that doing nothing will lose a part of the character of America. The American dream will be lost and the position of the middle class will erode further. Money politics will destroy our country more. Fundamental optimism will give way to cynicism. He warns "that's not the vision of America we should settle for."
The President appeals to the moral compass of Republicans to stop the fighting in order to think about the American way of life. Making America special is not to focus on making the few wealthy. It's about making America benefit. It's an American dream; not Obama's dream or Sally's dream or John's dream.
Unfortunately, demand side economics flies in the face of Congressional Republicans view of the
pathway for economic success. According to Republicans since Ronald Reagan, supply side economics is the way to trickle down prosperity to the lower levels of society. This means bolstering the wealthy with tax cuts and government money while reducing government spending on the public infrastructure and reducing government spending that benefits the weakest in society.
One must remember that Republican majority leader John Boehner assigned Paul Ryan to create their proposed budget. Paul Ryan is a firm believer in Ayn Rand's anti-Christian policies of survival of the fittest. As such his proposed budget slashes government programs that benefit the general public and the poorest in society in favor of tax cuts and government subsidy entitlements for the wealthiest Americans. Even though Republicans will stand fervently united in their faith of supply side economics, economists have identified the undeniable fact that only the wealthy benefit from it.
From demand comes business profits. Without demand, businesses will hold onto their cash reserves, remove jobs to be more in line with decreased demand and find cheaper ways to produce their products.
This is exactly what we have seen in the rush to manufacture in foreign countries, finding cheaper foreign workers, suppressing unions, hiring temporary and part-time workers instead of higher paid full time employees and keeping wages for Americans low. Without demand, any business would not survive. American workers who are the product consumers provide businesses with that demand. Bolstering the working class would benefit businesses and improve the economy for everyone.
So will Republicans rally around President Obama's vision of economic prosperity? My opinion is that they would rather ruin our economy by disallowing debt ceiling increases than changing this basic misunderstanding that they have about economics.
So what will the President's speech accomplish if our government is still obstructed by Republicans? Perhaps I give more credit to the American voter than is due, but I believe this speech will setup the failure of Republicans in the 2014 mid-term elections. Any thinking American voter will understand the concept and should be fed up with Republican obstruction.
This speech may be the straw that breaks the elephants back.
Wednesday, July 17, 2013
Fed Chairman Bernanke's report to Congress
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Ben Bernanke |
In an introductory statement Mr. Bernanke made it clear that the fiscal policy that legislators have chosen to take has been a detriment to the economic recovery. In an effort to acknowledge the impact that a dysfunctional Congress has on the economy, he highlighted that tight fiscal policy will restrain economic growth. He warned that political fights over raising the debt ceiling as has happened in the past would hamper the recovery. Although a few of the Congressmen on the committee appeared to understand the importance Congress has in assisting in the recovery, it is still to be seen if Congressional Republicans take this guidance into consideration as they enter discussions about raising the debt ceiling, ending sequester or resurrecting the American Jobs Act.
Bernanke believes the economy is recovering at a moderate pace. He cited the improvements in the housing market as contributing to economic gains and predicted this would continue to improve notwithstanding recent mortgage interest gains.
He believes the labor market is improving gradually and contributed a 0.1% drop in the unemployment rate to the Fed's policies of buying assets. He admits that job growth has a long way to go to be considered satisfactory. As I have stated in previous blogs, I question the impact that buying assets really has on the job market especially because it does nothing to increase demand for products and services. It does have an important impact on the stock market as we have seen investors sell off stocks and bonds when Bernanke hinted that the asset purchase program was going to be discontinued.
Understanding the emotional nature of the stock market, Bernanke was careful not to repeat the mistake of hinting at a change in the asset program at the committee meeting. He emphatically stated that the current asset purchase program will continue and monetary policy will be "accommodative" for the foreseeable future. As of noon today the US markets appeared to be unaffected by Bernanke's comments.
In order to help prevent another Bush era financial collapse of the big banks, Fed policy is to prevent collapse by increasing the requirement for cash reserves under what is called Basel III capital reforms.
In summary, Bernanke explained three mechanisms that the Fed is using to support economic growth. These are mortgage asset purchases, forward guidance on Fed plans for the federal fund rate target and Basel III capital reforms.
Based on the comments at the committee meeting, it appears obvious that the Fed needs a lot of help from Congress to revitalize the economy. Bernanke's warning about Congressional actions around fiscal policy may have been his cry for help.
Saturday, March 02, 2013
Sequestration: How has it affected you?
On March 1, 2013 Congress allowed the United States to fall victim to one-sided, across the board government spending cuts. The sequester is one sided, because revenue is not an element. It is across the board, because most government spending accounts will be cut back without consideration for the importance of the spending.
Ironically, Congressional salaries are unaffected by the cutbacks even though that element of government spending is assumably one that most of America would agree should be cut.
The effects that the sequester will have on American society and the economy has been varied depending on the source of the observation.
Democrats, including the President have expressed grave concerns that society and the economy will suffer as a result of the cuts. Although the President has said the economic effects will not be catastrophic, he issued concerns about a sluggish recovery and has pointed out that certain individuals will suffer as a result. Being a President of all the people, he has concern for those who depend on the government for essential services.
Republicans, including House speaker Boehner, have essentially welcomed it and expect it will go a long way to reigning in the wild spending that the government has supposedly become accustomed to and which otherwise would have, in their opinion, ruined our economy. Never mind that the facts prove otherwise. Republicans have been planning the sequester in their arsenal of tools to eliminate government for a few years now. A powerpoint slide prepared by John Boehner shows this was a Republican plan since 2011.
With Boehner being a leader of the Party that protects the assets of the rich, he expressed his demands in Congress that any substitute for the sequester would not include an increase in taxes or closing tax loop holes for the rich. In my opinion, Republicans in Congress follow two philosophies that are essential to their existence; a "head in the sand" philosophy and an "out of sight, out of mind" philosophy.
Regardless of the opinions of others, I want to give you a chance to record the impact that the sequester has had on you. For that reason I have created the poll at the top of the side-bar.
The poll questions are intended to be answered by American citizens, however citizens of other countries may respond if they believe the American sequester has an impact on them.
A few explanatory notes about the poll questions:
You can only select one answer, so please try to select the most accurate answer for your situation.
I used the term "essential" to describe government services, without which you are severely affected either physically, medically, psychologically, educationally or financially.
I used the term "nice to have" to describe government services, without which you suffer some form of minor inconvenience, such as waiting longer in TSA screening lines at the airport.
I realize that the effects of the sequester may become worse on particular individuals as time goes on, so if you have not voted, please feel free to take the poll at any future date. You can see the results of the polling at any point in time by visiting any blog on my site. I will record the results over time and report back on the time related results in a future blog. In the past, blog polls have not received a lot of responses, but I encourage you to participate in this important research.
Thank you for your participation.
Ironically, Congressional salaries are unaffected by the cutbacks even though that element of government spending is assumably one that most of America would agree should be cut.
The effects that the sequester will have on American society and the economy has been varied depending on the source of the observation.
Democrats, including the President have expressed grave concerns that society and the economy will suffer as a result of the cuts. Although the President has said the economic effects will not be catastrophic, he issued concerns about a sluggish recovery and has pointed out that certain individuals will suffer as a result. Being a President of all the people, he has concern for those who depend on the government for essential services.
Republicans, including House speaker Boehner, have essentially welcomed it and expect it will go a long way to reigning in the wild spending that the government has supposedly become accustomed to and which otherwise would have, in their opinion, ruined our economy. Never mind that the facts prove otherwise. Republicans have been planning the sequester in their arsenal of tools to eliminate government for a few years now. A powerpoint slide prepared by John Boehner shows this was a Republican plan since 2011.
With Boehner being a leader of the Party that protects the assets of the rich, he expressed his demands in Congress that any substitute for the sequester would not include an increase in taxes or closing tax loop holes for the rich. In my opinion, Republicans in Congress follow two philosophies that are essential to their existence; a "head in the sand" philosophy and an "out of sight, out of mind" philosophy.
Regardless of the opinions of others, I want to give you a chance to record the impact that the sequester has had on you. For that reason I have created the poll at the top of the side-bar.
The poll questions are intended to be answered by American citizens, however citizens of other countries may respond if they believe the American sequester has an impact on them.
A few explanatory notes about the poll questions:
You can only select one answer, so please try to select the most accurate answer for your situation.
I used the term "essential" to describe government services, without which you are severely affected either physically, medically, psychologically, educationally or financially.
I used the term "nice to have" to describe government services, without which you suffer some form of minor inconvenience, such as waiting longer in TSA screening lines at the airport.
I realize that the effects of the sequester may become worse on particular individuals as time goes on, so if you have not voted, please feel free to take the poll at any future date. You can see the results of the polling at any point in time by visiting any blog on my site. I will record the results over time and report back on the time related results in a future blog. In the past, blog polls have not received a lot of responses, but I encourage you to participate in this important research.
Thank you for your participation.
Monday, February 04, 2013
How Republicans plan to transform the President's budget into the Paul Ryan budget
Republicans in Congress still can't seem to realize that their Party did not win the Presidency in 2012. And by that I mean they still do not understand and do not represent the expectations of the American people.
One example of this is HR 444 REQUIRE A PLAN Act that was discussed today in the House.
Parenthetically the Act also adds the insulting attack remark erroneously directed towards the President, that it can also be called the "Require Presidential Leadership and No Deficit Act." My guess is that the Republicans see leadership as making strong cuts into social programs to hurt the Americans who can least afford it and who most depend on it. This would follow right in step with the Ryan budget and Republicans misguided thinking that revenue is off the table in budget talks.
The Act introduced by Republican Mr. PRICE of Georgia (for himself, Mr. RYAN of Wisconsin, Ms. JENKINS, and Mr. SESSIONS) requires that, "if the President’s fiscal year 2014 budget does not achieve balance in a fiscal year covered by such budget, the President shall submit a supplemental unified budget by April 1, 2013, which identifies a fiscal year in which balance is achieved, and for other purposes."
It goes on to require that the supplemental budget include budget information required by US code but also include the Republicans wish list of items. These are (a) An estimate of the fiscal year in which the supplemental budget is not expected to result in a deficit; (b) a detailed description of additional policies needed to accomplish no deficit; and (c) detailed description of the differences between the President's FY 2014 budget and the FY2014 supplemental budget requested.
There is no constituional requirement for a President to offer a budget which will balance by some future date. Since the 1920's there have only been about three occassions where a budget actually did balance. However Republicans appeared to be confused about the President's intentions. They made it seem that this was a simple request that would help them understand where the President stands on balancing the budget. But what are they really trying to do?
The reason that the Republicans imply they are proposing this Act is because the President's actions during his first term have shown he is not a good financial stewart. The Act's section on "Findings" indicates that the President can't keep to his promises and has caused the deficit to rise during his term. It's almost as if the President has authority over financial and budgetary policy and total control of the money that he was charged to spend and spent it unwisely. Oh wait, that is the job of the Congress!
So what are the Republicans really trying to do by placing this Act into consideration? I think they have a somewhat sinister plan in mind indeed.
First, they are trying to create an image in the eyes of Americans that removes themselves from any blame they may have for the country's financial condition. They won't admit that it was their Party's administration that got us into the financial situation we are in and largely responsible for the deficit. The graph at the left is the Congressional Budget Office's estimates of the factors leading to the deficit. One can see that the largest contributors to our present deficit are the wars and Bush era tax cuts. But deficits were not that important to Republicans when their guy was President.
Republicans pretend to be the only Party concerned with future generations who will be responsible for the deficit's payback. While he was Mitt Romney's running partner, Paul Ryan's first budget plan would not balance the budget for thirty years. And that one was considered harmful to the poor in society and the economy because of the magnitude of its cuts to social programs while at the same time cutting taxes for the rich. Recently Ryan has been tasked by John Boehner to write a budget that will be balanced within ten years. Without considering revenue increases (as the Republicans believe), Ryan's new budget would start hurting people immediately.
It seems to me that with HR 444 and the previously passed HR 325 that temporarily raises the debt limit with stipulations for "No Budget/No Pay", Republicans are trying to force the President into cutting the social safety net, voucher-izing medicare and medicaid and making changes to social security that would not benefit the American worker. All of these were Romney-Ryan policies that Americans rejected when they ended Romney's political career in the last election.
Republicans are really putting the cart before the horse if they think that the President can create a supplemental unified budget without Congress first acting on modifying the tax code and closing loop holes. The President cannot know the impact that new revenue will have to paying down the deficit until Congress acts on tax law. So once again Congress needs to understand that tax revenue must be considered and they have a more urgent role in addressing that than the President has to give them a supplemental unified budget.
Fortunately some Democrats understand that Republicans are trying to force a budget that looks like the Ryan budget and have added amendments to the Act to counteract this intention. Unfortunately none of them was allowed during the actual rules committee session.
Mr McGovern of Massachusetts, a member of the committee made it clear that the members were only made aware of HR 444 on Thursday and the act was not entered until Friday last week. He felt that there was not enough time to enter amendments. He also made the point that the rules committee did not have any meetings, markups or open discussion around the need for the act and requested that it was entered into open rules. That was voted down.
Mr Connelly of Virginia had submitted an amendment that prohibits "additional solutions" in the unified supplemental budget to include conversion of Medicare into a voucher program. However that amendment was not allowed.
Mr. Deutch of Florida submitted an amendment that removes social security from the definition of "Unified Budget" however that amendment was not allowed.
Jackson Lee of Texas submitted two amendments. One protects the safety net of the most vulnerable in society. It was not allowed. The other proposes ending the estate and tax provisions so the applicable exclusion amount is allowed to revert to $1 million and the tax rate is allowed to be 55%. It was not allowed.
Chris Van Hollen from Maryland submitted an amendment to replace the entire sequester for 2013 which would cause deep cuts to domestic priorities and defense with a savings from specific policies that reflect a balanced approach to deficit reduction. He wants to protect the most vulnerable and asks people making over $1 million to contribute more. He wants to eliminate agriculture direct payments and cut subsidies to large oil companies. Because he was not present due to his father's death, his substitute for sequester was voted down.
An amendment was submitted by Mark Takano of California which makes changes to the "Findings" section of the act. He wants clarification that Congress holds responsibility for passing budgets and appropriating funds. A responsibility that some Republicans have attempted to side-step. That one was allowed.
Four Republican amendments were approved. All of them require additional work from the Presdient to present more detail in the supplemental unified budget.
As the President has stated publicly, like the Republicans, he also understands that the deficit should be brought under control. Actions taken since his administration started have reduced the Bush deficit each year and the CBO expects that the deficit will be below $800 Billion by the end of 2013.
But in the President's case, his concern is that deficit reduction be done in a balanced approach with revenue increases and program cuts that do not harm the economy, that do not hurt Americans and are done fairly.
The divergence in the President's policies and Republican policies are fairly obvious to middle class Americans.
That's why he won the election.
One example of this is HR 444 REQUIRE A PLAN Act that was discussed today in the House.
Parenthetically the Act also adds the insulting attack remark erroneously directed towards the President, that it can also be called the "Require Presidential Leadership and No Deficit Act." My guess is that the Republicans see leadership as making strong cuts into social programs to hurt the Americans who can least afford it and who most depend on it. This would follow right in step with the Ryan budget and Republicans misguided thinking that revenue is off the table in budget talks.
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Mr. Price |
It goes on to require that the supplemental budget include budget information required by US code but also include the Republicans wish list of items. These are (a) An estimate of the fiscal year in which the supplemental budget is not expected to result in a deficit; (b) a detailed description of additional policies needed to accomplish no deficit; and (c) detailed description of the differences between the President's FY 2014 budget and the FY2014 supplemental budget requested.
There is no constituional requirement for a President to offer a budget which will balance by some future date. Since the 1920's there have only been about three occassions where a budget actually did balance. However Republicans appeared to be confused about the President's intentions. They made it seem that this was a simple request that would help them understand where the President stands on balancing the budget. But what are they really trying to do?
The reason that the Republicans imply they are proposing this Act is because the President's actions during his first term have shown he is not a good financial stewart. The Act's section on "Findings" indicates that the President can't keep to his promises and has caused the deficit to rise during his term. It's almost as if the President has authority over financial and budgetary policy and total control of the money that he was charged to spend and spent it unwisely. Oh wait, that is the job of the Congress!
So what are the Republicans really trying to do by placing this Act into consideration? I think they have a somewhat sinister plan in mind indeed.
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CBO estimates of deficit causes |
Republicans pretend to be the only Party concerned with future generations who will be responsible for the deficit's payback. While he was Mitt Romney's running partner, Paul Ryan's first budget plan would not balance the budget for thirty years. And that one was considered harmful to the poor in society and the economy because of the magnitude of its cuts to social programs while at the same time cutting taxes for the rich. Recently Ryan has been tasked by John Boehner to write a budget that will be balanced within ten years. Without considering revenue increases (as the Republicans believe), Ryan's new budget would start hurting people immediately.
It seems to me that with HR 444 and the previously passed HR 325 that temporarily raises the debt limit with stipulations for "No Budget/No Pay", Republicans are trying to force the President into cutting the social safety net, voucher-izing medicare and medicaid and making changes to social security that would not benefit the American worker. All of these were Romney-Ryan policies that Americans rejected when they ended Romney's political career in the last election.
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Ryan's Budget paves the path to increased Prosperity for the wealthy |
Fortunately some Democrats understand that Republicans are trying to force a budget that looks like the Ryan budget and have added amendments to the Act to counteract this intention. Unfortunately none of them was allowed during the actual rules committee session.
Mr McGovern of Massachusetts, a member of the committee made it clear that the members were only made aware of HR 444 on Thursday and the act was not entered until Friday last week. He felt that there was not enough time to enter amendments. He also made the point that the rules committee did not have any meetings, markups or open discussion around the need for the act and requested that it was entered into open rules. That was voted down.
Mr Connelly of Virginia had submitted an amendment that prohibits "additional solutions" in the unified supplemental budget to include conversion of Medicare into a voucher program. However that amendment was not allowed.
Mr. Deutch of Florida submitted an amendment that removes social security from the definition of "Unified Budget" however that amendment was not allowed.
Jackson Lee of Texas submitted two amendments. One protects the safety net of the most vulnerable in society. It was not allowed. The other proposes ending the estate and tax provisions so the applicable exclusion amount is allowed to revert to $1 million and the tax rate is allowed to be 55%. It was not allowed.
Chris Van Hollen from Maryland submitted an amendment to replace the entire sequester for 2013 which would cause deep cuts to domestic priorities and defense with a savings from specific policies that reflect a balanced approach to deficit reduction. He wants to protect the most vulnerable and asks people making over $1 million to contribute more. He wants to eliminate agriculture direct payments and cut subsidies to large oil companies. Because he was not present due to his father's death, his substitute for sequester was voted down.
An amendment was submitted by Mark Takano of California which makes changes to the "Findings" section of the act. He wants clarification that Congress holds responsibility for passing budgets and appropriating funds. A responsibility that some Republicans have attempted to side-step. That one was allowed.
Four Republican amendments were approved. All of them require additional work from the Presdient to present more detail in the supplemental unified budget.
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President Obama |
But in the President's case, his concern is that deficit reduction be done in a balanced approach with revenue increases and program cuts that do not harm the economy, that do not hurt Americans and are done fairly.
The divergence in the President's policies and Republican policies are fairly obvious to middle class Americans.
That's why he won the election.
Thursday, September 13, 2012
Fed promises unlimited mortgage security purchases...should we be worried?
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Ben Bernanke |
While it seems that the short term goal of reducing interest rates for banks and business will most probably work, is the longer term goal of increasing jobs going to be guaranteed from this strategy? I seriously doubt it. And here's why.
If you follow the demand side theories of job creation, then you would expect increase in demand to be the major factor in creating new jobs. This demand theory is supported by President Obama. Consumers are the source of new demand for business. Consumer spending is dictated by the amount of cash available to them after necessities spending. The primary source of this cash for most middle-class workers is take-home pay from a job.
If you follow supply side theories of job creation, then you would expect anything that reduces the expenditures of business should automatically allow them to spend on new hiring. The new demand part of the equation is not really important in this theory.
While some middle-class workers have 401K's the increase in the value of these accounts due to the Fed's actions will not give them any immediate spending capacity since the cash in the 401K can only be accessed after retirement without significant financial penalties.
Those elderly retired persons who have 401K's may see some immediate benefit to their cash available, but these people are already retired and are not looking for jobs. It is also doubtful that this extra cash would be a new source of demand for businesses as most retirees would probably need the extra cash for necessities and not luxury items.
It does not appear that the Feds actions today will do anything to help spur significant new demand. So the only hope of creating new jobs would be based on the Feds belief in supply-side economics.
The main recipients of the benefit of reduced interest rates and increased stock market prices are wealthy investors, banks and businesses.
One might think that with this cash, business will be motivated to grow and at the same time hire. But we know that most US Corporations are already sitting on the largest cash reserves they have had in decades. They are not using these funds to grow or hire, although some are buying up competitors businesses and consolidating the workforce by layoffs of excess personnel. This is the reverse of what the Fed is shooting for.
We also know from the history of Corporate America for the last 30 years or so, supply side economics does not work for creating new jobs. When American Corporations were allowed to have significant tax breaks, American jobs were not increased, they were actually decreased. Over the last twelve years or so, we have lost close to ten million American jobs to outsourcing to foreign countries.
One hope for creating new jobs using supply-side arguments is new small business start-ups. With low interest loans, new small business start-ups might increase, but with interest rates already extremely low, and small business start-ups not currently saving our economy or producing significant jobs, this option does not look promising.
The Feds approach to creating new jobs supports supply-side economics and from my observations at least, has little chance of creating new jobs. Millionaires and billionaires will be happy with their new cash inflow, but are very unlikely to use the opportunity to hire without demand requiring it.
In order for jobs to be created, we also need a significant increase in demand across all industries. If new technologies or new products are not being developed, then we need to support the middle-class with increased wages, federally funded jobs, returning jobs to America and other work supports to give them the ability to increase demand until government and business research brings new products to market.
President Obama's American Jobs Act meets all of these requirements. We need the Republican Congress to stop filibustering the Act and do the job that Americans want them to do. They need to approve the American Jobs Act. We Americans need to re-elect President Obama.
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