It's been a while since I have written. I thought I said it all; educated you to the dangers of partisan politics and expected you to go to the polls enlightened enough to make choices that would help improve what is wrong with government.
Then the mid-term elections took place. After I came back from the acute case of shock induced depression brought on by the recent romping that the Democrats got from the Republicans, I began to ponder what just happened.
For every enlightened voter out there, there are just a few more who are blind to the devious ways of the Republican party. Just enough low information voters to give Republicans an advantage in mid-term elections with low voter turn-out. Although the general public has rated our modern "do-nothing" Congress with only 13% favorability, it appears they do not know who the real culprits are. I used to think that America blamed both parties equally. Now I understand that America only blames Democrats. Nothing could be further from the truth. Republicans purposely caused the failure of the government in order to deceive voters that the party holding the office of the President, cannot accomplish anything.
Many voters think that all failure and blame lands on the President and his party. Republican strategists and Mitch McConnell himself understood this and used it to their advantage. Before the President was inaugerated in 2009, Mitch and his band of Republican strategists met to take advantage of it. See the evidence in an article from Time magazine here. The plan they created was to obstruct every major piece of legislation that Democrats and the President wanted. In this way, Mitch and his malcontents knew that the President would not be given any credit for any accomplishment. This would strengthen Republican potential to win future elections. They did this in plain view of the public and yet too few noticed it happening. They did it to the detriment of America for political gain and got rewarded for it in the end. Their obstruction has gone on for years now.
Republicans kept deceiving the public at a rapid clip with continuous lies about the President. During the 2012 Presidential campaign, Republicans used lies as a campaign strategy. They blamed Obama for telling business owners that they did not create their business. A complete fabrication intended to mislead the public. They took the President's words out of context to make it appear he said denigrating things against all Americans. They spoke of how damaging Obamacare was without justification and voted to repeal it over fifty times. Republicans even denied medicaid expansion without reason in most Republican run states to attempt to encourage it's demise and deny healthcare to millions of Americans.
Conservative "news" shows kept slamming the President with false accusations, appealing to their audiences baser emotions, using fear mongering, appealing to racism and spreading lies to confuse the public. They blamed Obama for everything. If Ebola got into the country on the backs of ISIS it would be Obama's fault.
Republican leaders like Michele Bachman lied to the public about Obamacare death panels. Republicans closed the government and blamed the Democrats while Republican leaders took photo-ops with veterans at closed government federal parks and facilities pretending that the GOP was outraged that the government was closed. Republican led witch-hunts by Congressional committees to hear about the so-called involvement of the President or his cabinet members in Benghazi, the IRS tax exemption decisions, and other fabricated scandals were done not to get at the truth, but instead to confuse the voting public and spread lies about the President and his cabinet.
Republican voting shows them to be against the poor and middle class, veterans, the elderly, women, students and labor. Their budget proposal shows that they have plans to increase the wealth of the super-rich while taking from the middle class to accomplish it.
And this strategy worked. America blamed the Democrats and rewarded Republicans bad behavior by electing them into power. There is only one deceiver I can think of who might be on par with the deception of the Republican party and that horned demon might actually be behind all of this. Nothing else makes as much sense.
Showing posts with label Budget. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Budget. Show all posts
Thursday, November 06, 2014
Saturday, May 10, 2014
Are you misguided, uniformed, heartless or rich? Then you must vote Republican.
Elections for many political offices will be occurring this fall. The winners of these elections will be responsible for future legislation in federal and state governments that will control our daily lives.
The Ryan budget makes severe cuts to services that support the poor, middle class, students, the elderly and disabled while at the same time rewarding the rich with lower taxes, repealing the alternative minimum tax, reducing corporate tax, and changing international tax laws to allow corporations to avoid being taxed on foreign income brought back into the United States.
By the explanation he gives in his budget's narrative, Ryan tries to convince people that government loans are the reason that students must pay such high tuition costs as these somehow encourage Universities to charge higher tuitions. Even if this were true, Ryan's solution is to reduce government loans and cap Pell Grants for students, thereby eliminating help some deserving students might be able to obtain without a government loan. It's funny how Republican reasoning often defies logic. They accept big business' action of charging higher tuitions as reasonable given the availability of government money and instead blame the federal government for providing so much loan money. I guess we are supposed to understand as our Republican leaders do, that the ethics of businessmen can readily be overcome by such easy opportunity for profit.
Sticking to the Republican claims that the Affordable Care Act is the worst thing that could happen to America, his budget calls for the repeal of the ACA leaving no alternative but to return to the way it was before the ACA. The budget calls for repealing Medicaid Expansion and eliminating healthcare premium subsidies available on the government healthcare exchange. With these words, Republicans are saying that insurers can deny coverage to people with pre-existing conditions, so if you lose your job and have a pre-existing condition, you will no longer have health insurance. They remove healthcare access from millions of the poor who are now covered under medicaid expansion. Lifetime coverage caps will return so if you get a debilitating and costly disease you may also lose your life savings. If you have limited income, you will no longer get any help to pay for your insurance premiums. Certain free services will once again be charged. Children between 21 and 25 will lose their parent's insurance and be required to purchase their own or not be insured.
Medicare and social security will not be the same for future seniors. Not being capable of funding social programs almost certainly means medicare and social security will suffer under Republican rule.
There are many more aspects to the budget that you should see for yourself. Visit this link: The 2014 Republican Budget to find the actual text.
If you are not in the top 2% financially, voting for Republicans is not in your best interest. If you are a caring person, voting for Republicans should outrage you. If you are an informed and intelligent person and not in the 2%, you should never vote Republican. What does that make you?
Remember to vote in the fall's midterm elections. It's your protected right and it's what will make all the difference to America.
The upcoming mid-term elections are not insignificant nor typical. One could say that these mid-term elections are the most important election of our time. The future of our American society could be in the balance.
The Congressional elections for the federal House and Senate could reinforce Republican obstruction or eliminate it, depending on the results. State elections could make life or death differences to many who cannot receive medical care under Republican obstructed medicaid expansion.
To help you remember or to just inform some of you for the first time, of some of the deleterious effects of having Republicans in office, let me recall some things you should know by now.
America's unemployed work force could be put back to work if the President's American Jobs Act is enacted without Republican obstruction.
Women could become equal in the workforce if legislation to prevent discrimination in wages was lifted by removing Republican obstruction.
America's immigrant families could receive fairer treatment if Republicans could not prevent it.
Opportunity for all Americans and America's economic condition could be improved with an increase in the minimum wage which Republicans refuse to support.
The unfair control of government realized by the few uber-rich American contributors to the Republican party who influence their legislation and activities could be eliminated.
The American worker and middle class could rise in importance and our government could be "of, for and by the people" again.
Poor children would go to bed less hungry if Republican cuts to the SNAP program were eliminated and reversed.
Falsely imposed voting restrictions could be stopped if Republicans were run out of state legislatures.
The Republican party's partisan witch-hunts based on false accusations would stop being the focus of the Congress and taxpayer money could be used more productively for legislation that Americans need if Republicans lost control of the House.
America would never again renege on their debt obligations if Republicans are not given the power to cause it.
Dealing with scientific facts, the government could make more reasonable decisions to enact laws that protect our environment if Republicans were not in control.
Near treasonous acts that show Republican leadership's opposition to government would end.
Using fear tactics and lies to persuade Americans into voting against their own self interest could end if Republicans are shown that using those unethical tactics cannot win them elections.
The federal government may never face another shutdown if Republicans were not in control.
The Affordable Care Act might be allowed to continue to benefit people; improve the health of America; put money back into the economy with increased jobs in health services; improve the profits of medical device manufacturers, hospitals, doctors, nurses and insurance companies while at the same time making healthcare affordable.
Expanding Medicaid in Republican run states would insure and protect the health of over seven million uninsured poor voters and reduce costs for taxpayers whose premiums are higher in order to cover the costs of those who do not have health insurance. Hospitals in rural areas of Republican run states could become profitable again and re-open their doors.
America's tax policies could be reviewed and certain unfair loop-holes closed so that all Americans and American Corporations pay their fair share of taxes and revenue could again become part of the equation for budget considerations if Republicans did not control the federal House.
Ultimately, the mid-term elections are extremely important. You should consider this as important an election as a Presidential one and get out to vote.
The Congressional elections for the federal House and Senate could reinforce Republican obstruction or eliminate it, depending on the results. State elections could make life or death differences to many who cannot receive medical care under Republican obstructed medicaid expansion.
To help you remember or to just inform some of you for the first time, of some of the deleterious effects of having Republicans in office, let me recall some things you should know by now.
America's unemployed work force could be put back to work if the President's American Jobs Act is enacted without Republican obstruction.
Women could become equal in the workforce if legislation to prevent discrimination in wages was lifted by removing Republican obstruction.
America's immigrant families could receive fairer treatment if Republicans could not prevent it.
Opportunity for all Americans and America's economic condition could be improved with an increase in the minimum wage which Republicans refuse to support.
The unfair control of government realized by the few uber-rich American contributors to the Republican party who influence their legislation and activities could be eliminated.
The American worker and middle class could rise in importance and our government could be "of, for and by the people" again.
Poor children would go to bed less hungry if Republican cuts to the SNAP program were eliminated and reversed.
Falsely imposed voting restrictions could be stopped if Republicans were run out of state legislatures.
The Republican party's partisan witch-hunts based on false accusations would stop being the focus of the Congress and taxpayer money could be used more productively for legislation that Americans need if Republicans lost control of the House.
America would never again renege on their debt obligations if Republicans are not given the power to cause it.
Dealing with scientific facts, the government could make more reasonable decisions to enact laws that protect our environment if Republicans were not in control.
Near treasonous acts that show Republican leadership's opposition to government would end.
Using fear tactics and lies to persuade Americans into voting against their own self interest could end if Republicans are shown that using those unethical tactics cannot win them elections.
The federal government may never face another shutdown if Republicans were not in control.
The Affordable Care Act might be allowed to continue to benefit people; improve the health of America; put money back into the economy with increased jobs in health services; improve the profits of medical device manufacturers, hospitals, doctors, nurses and insurance companies while at the same time making healthcare affordable.
Expanding Medicaid in Republican run states would insure and protect the health of over seven million uninsured poor voters and reduce costs for taxpayers whose premiums are higher in order to cover the costs of those who do not have health insurance. Hospitals in rural areas of Republican run states could become profitable again and re-open their doors.
America's tax policies could be reviewed and certain unfair loop-holes closed so that all Americans and American Corporations pay their fair share of taxes and revenue could again become part of the equation for budget considerations if Republicans did not control the federal House.
Ultimately, the mid-term elections are extremely important. You should consider this as important an election as a Presidential one and get out to vote.
If you consider yourself a Republican, perhaps you have inherited that title or been influenced to vote as one from your parents and grandparents whose culture of Republicanism goes back many years. You should recognize that political parties change over time and may not be the same as the party your parents or grandparents aligned with. For example, Abraham Lincoln was a Republican who freed the slaves yet some modern day Republicans pass legislation to restrict voting rights to African-Americans. In regards to empathy toward others, Republicans have changed dramatically.
A political party affiliation should not be treated the same as your genetically inherited characteristics. Although "mutation" is a similarity between genetics and political parties, your party affiliation should be based on how closely a comparison of the overall beliefs and policies of the party match your own personal beliefs. The comparison should not be limited to one or two policies but to all policies and beliefs so you get a complete picture of a party. For example, Republican leaders claim to hold to the teachings of Christianity because they support a right to life but their legislation may indicate that they oppose Christianity since they do not support the needy and carry out injustices to other diverse populations.
In order to make such comparisons you should research the facts about the political party's policies; understand how they vote on issues and determine if they represent your views. It is important to determine these things by reviewing factual reference material while ignoring commentators or others who would attempt to deceive you or are just misinformed themselves. One way this can be done is by reviewing government web sites such as, and
To keep informed on current events in politics, watch political television shows on both sides of politics and judge for yourself which is most truthful. For example, Fox News is known to be conservative television that takes a less factual "entertainment" approach to supporting Republican causes while MSNBC is known to be progressive news reporting that supports Democratic causes. Seeing these two networks present both sides of the same issue can be enlightening.
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Paul Ryan (R) Wisconsin |
That being said, I want to begin analyzing Republicanism with one of the most telling subjects in recent days; the 2014 Republican budget proposal. It has been said that you can tell where a party's priorities are by the budget they propose.
Paul Ryan was tasked with the job of preparing a Republican budget proposal that balanced within ten years. Balancing a budget can be done in many ways, but the Republican budget had to be based on Republican principles which molded and forced the end result.
One building block of that Republican budget is that tax revenue cannot be increased. Without new revenue, only cuts in federal programs would be possible.
Another prerequisite was that military spending must be increased. Increasing military spending without raising taxes means something else must be cut by the amount of increase in military spending. About $650 billion is spent on the United States military each year which exceeds the combined military spending of the next ten highest spending countries in the world. Even the US military has stated that the amount is too high and can be reduced. When Republicans speak of military spending they do not mean government assistance for veterans. They do mean to increase the wealth of defense contractors.
Yet another prerequisite of the Republican budget is that much of the cost and operation of Federal government programs must be passed on to the states. Making states take on safety net programs will force them to either increase their taxes (if they plan to continue to provide the service) or cut or eliminate the programs. In Republican run states I can state almost certainly that these services will be cut. Overall, their budget expects that the financial burden that they are eliminating from the federal government should be placed on the states. Provided the states maintain the programs, the savings to the individual would be no different than if the federal government had kept the financial burden except that the taxes would be coming from the state instead of the federal government.
The Ryan budget makes severe cuts to services that support the poor, middle class, students, the elderly and disabled while at the same time rewarding the rich with lower taxes, repealing the alternative minimum tax, reducing corporate tax, and changing international tax laws to allow corporations to avoid being taxed on foreign income brought back into the United States.
By the explanation he gives in his budget's narrative, Ryan tries to convince people that government loans are the reason that students must pay such high tuition costs as these somehow encourage Universities to charge higher tuitions. Even if this were true, Ryan's solution is to reduce government loans and cap Pell Grants for students, thereby eliminating help some deserving students might be able to obtain without a government loan. It's funny how Republican reasoning often defies logic. They accept big business' action of charging higher tuitions as reasonable given the availability of government money and instead blame the federal government for providing so much loan money. I guess we are supposed to understand as our Republican leaders do, that the ethics of businessmen can readily be overcome by such easy opportunity for profit.
Sticking to the Republican claims that the Affordable Care Act is the worst thing that could happen to America, his budget calls for the repeal of the ACA leaving no alternative but to return to the way it was before the ACA. The budget calls for repealing Medicaid Expansion and eliminating healthcare premium subsidies available on the government healthcare exchange. With these words, Republicans are saying that insurers can deny coverage to people with pre-existing conditions, so if you lose your job and have a pre-existing condition, you will no longer have health insurance. They remove healthcare access from millions of the poor who are now covered under medicaid expansion. Lifetime coverage caps will return so if you get a debilitating and costly disease you may also lose your life savings. If you have limited income, you will no longer get any help to pay for your insurance premiums. Certain free services will once again be charged. Children between 21 and 25 will lose their parent's insurance and be required to purchase their own or not be insured.
Medicare and social security will not be the same for future seniors. Not being capable of funding social programs almost certainly means medicare and social security will suffer under Republican rule.
There are many more aspects to the budget that you should see for yourself. Visit this link: The 2014 Republican Budget to find the actual text.
If you are not in the top 2% financially, voting for Republicans is not in your best interest. If you are a caring person, voting for Republicans should outrage you. If you are an informed and intelligent person and not in the 2%, you should never vote Republican. What does that make you?
Remember to vote in the fall's midterm elections. It's your protected right and it's what will make all the difference to America.
Tuesday, October 08, 2013
GOP says government could open if only Dems would cave on medicare, social security, ObamaCare and social safety net
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Eric Cantor |

will consider opening the government. Of course, their pre-requisite is that tax loopholes, tax subsidies and any new taxes are off the table. What a plan! Are you seeing the pattern here? Republicans are the hostage takers. All they need to do is pass a clean continuing resolution but they won't allow a vote on it. They have to use this as a mechanism to pass their party's legislation. Legislation which was rejected when we ended Mitt Romney's political career.
Republicans are hopeful that their simple-minded followers as well as other gullible voters might see this as a real genuine offer to get the government funded and avoid a debt ceiling crisis. Can they be so arrogant? If any Democrats go for this idea our government is finished. Remember, we don't negotiate with terrorists! One outcome of this fiasco should be for the ethics committees in Washington to change their rules so that doing harm to America is not allowed as a negotiation tactic.
The GOP should do the right thing and pass a continuing resolution that funds the government now and immediately after, approve the debt ceiling increase. Then there would be time to sit down and talk about fiscal issues. However, if Republicans insist that revenue is off the table, there will be no discussions.
Sunday, October 06, 2013
When did extortion become synonymous with negotiation?
In an earlier post, called "A Republican to English Dictionary" I tried to unmask the language that our Republicans leaders use in conversation so that America could know that their words are hiding ulterior motives for their actions. You can see that blog here.
After listening to John Boehner speaking with George Stephanopoulos this morning, it has become apparent that Republicans think they are negotiating when they are actually using extortion.
Boehner insisted that the government shutdown and any damage done by defaulting on our debts would be the President's and Harry Reid's fault because they "refuse to talk."
Boehner explained that Republicans were united in making the decision to use the continuing resolution to force a discussion around cutting the social safety net, social security, medicare and Obamacare. This is even more than was originally planned, since only Obamacare was used in the Republicans' original threats. When asked if Republicans would negotiate on new revenue he emphatically refused, saying that the President already got his new revenue and there would be no new taxes.
Mr. Stephanopoulos reiterated the advice of economic experts about how economically destructive defaulting on our loans would be. He asked Boehner if he was willing to let this happen. Boehner used his often repeated comment during the interview, that "it would be the President's fault" if we did. It was clear that even if the President gave in to the Republicans extortion of America and sat down to talk with them, he would have nothing to gain and everything to lose.
Is this politics as usual or is something running amuck here?
If someone threatens you with global economic disaster unless you meet their demands, most people would think you are a terrorist. Republicans think it is just everyday negotiating. The Republican mind is a curious thing.
In the 2012 Presidential elections, Republicans campaigned on reversing all Obama-era legislation, changing medicare, revamping social security, cutting the social safety net, giving government welfare to the rich, reducing legislation on business and repealing Obamacare on the first day Romney took office. And then they lost the election. The majority of Americans do not support those policies but that does not stop Boehner from stating publicly that current Republican threats are just "doing what America wants", proving Republicans are stupid as well as stubborn.
In America there is a way to change laws. It follows democratic principles; not the terrorist handbook. Republicans have failed when using the democratic method to defund Obamacare over 40 times. So now they seem content with using tactics that threaten the economic health of America.
Americans know that our government does not negotiate with terrorists. Why should we stop when the terrorists are Republicans?
After listening to John Boehner speaking with George Stephanopoulos this morning, it has become apparent that Republicans think they are negotiating when they are actually using extortion.
Boehner insisted that the government shutdown and any damage done by defaulting on our debts would be the President's and Harry Reid's fault because they "refuse to talk."
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John Boehner |
Mr. Stephanopoulos reiterated the advice of economic experts about how economically destructive defaulting on our loans would be. He asked Boehner if he was willing to let this happen. Boehner used his often repeated comment during the interview, that "it would be the President's fault" if we did. It was clear that even if the President gave in to the Republicans extortion of America and sat down to talk with them, he would have nothing to gain and everything to lose.
Is this politics as usual or is something running amuck here?
If someone threatens you with global economic disaster unless you meet their demands, most people would think you are a terrorist. Republicans think it is just everyday negotiating. The Republican mind is a curious thing.
In the 2012 Presidential elections, Republicans campaigned on reversing all Obama-era legislation, changing medicare, revamping social security, cutting the social safety net, giving government welfare to the rich, reducing legislation on business and repealing Obamacare on the first day Romney took office. And then they lost the election. The majority of Americans do not support those policies but that does not stop Boehner from stating publicly that current Republican threats are just "doing what America wants", proving Republicans are stupid as well as stubborn.
In America there is a way to change laws. It follows democratic principles; not the terrorist handbook. Republicans have failed when using the democratic method to defund Obamacare over 40 times. So now they seem content with using tactics that threaten the economic health of America.
Americans know that our government does not negotiate with terrorists. Why should we stop when the terrorists are Republicans?
Wednesday, July 17, 2013
Fed Chairman Bernanke's report to Congress
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Ben Bernanke |
In an introductory statement Mr. Bernanke made it clear that the fiscal policy that legislators have chosen to take has been a detriment to the economic recovery. In an effort to acknowledge the impact that a dysfunctional Congress has on the economy, he highlighted that tight fiscal policy will restrain economic growth. He warned that political fights over raising the debt ceiling as has happened in the past would hamper the recovery. Although a few of the Congressmen on the committee appeared to understand the importance Congress has in assisting in the recovery, it is still to be seen if Congressional Republicans take this guidance into consideration as they enter discussions about raising the debt ceiling, ending sequester or resurrecting the American Jobs Act.
Bernanke believes the economy is recovering at a moderate pace. He cited the improvements in the housing market as contributing to economic gains and predicted this would continue to improve notwithstanding recent mortgage interest gains.
He believes the labor market is improving gradually and contributed a 0.1% drop in the unemployment rate to the Fed's policies of buying assets. He admits that job growth has a long way to go to be considered satisfactory. As I have stated in previous blogs, I question the impact that buying assets really has on the job market especially because it does nothing to increase demand for products and services. It does have an important impact on the stock market as we have seen investors sell off stocks and bonds when Bernanke hinted that the asset purchase program was going to be discontinued.
Understanding the emotional nature of the stock market, Bernanke was careful not to repeat the mistake of hinting at a change in the asset program at the committee meeting. He emphatically stated that the current asset purchase program will continue and monetary policy will be "accommodative" for the foreseeable future. As of noon today the US markets appeared to be unaffected by Bernanke's comments.
In order to help prevent another Bush era financial collapse of the big banks, Fed policy is to prevent collapse by increasing the requirement for cash reserves under what is called Basel III capital reforms.
In summary, Bernanke explained three mechanisms that the Fed is using to support economic growth. These are mortgage asset purchases, forward guidance on Fed plans for the federal fund rate target and Basel III capital reforms.
Based on the comments at the committee meeting, it appears obvious that the Fed needs a lot of help from Congress to revitalize the economy. Bernanke's warning about Congressional actions around fiscal policy may have been his cry for help.
Sunday, May 26, 2013
A Republican to English dictionary
Although born and raised in the United States, my father, who passed away in his old age a few years ago, was not really good with the English language. Sometimes he used words that he made up in conversation that sounded like words that they really weren't. My kids were often confused by their "Papa", as they used to call him, and I would joke with them that maybe we needed to get a Papa- to-English dictionary.
Because of their support for policies which Republicans stand for, most of which go against their best interest, middle-class Republicans may be well served if they had a Republican-to-English dictionary. Perhaps that way they could better understand that their welfare is not of concern when it comes to modern Republican politics.
Here are a few examples of statements we have heard our Republican leaders talk about. I have given some assistance to the American voter by attempting to identify the true meaning of these words in plain English.
"Jobs, Jobs Jobs": Cheap foreign labor for America's Corporations.
"Support for our troops": Increasing government funding of defense contractors.
"Reducing the deficit": Protecting the 1% by taking revenue off the table, increasing military budgets to protect defense contractors and only calling for government spending reductions in programs for the poor, women, children, the elderly, students, the handicapped, military veterans and the unemployed.
"Smaller Government": 1. Eliminating government protections of it citizens in regards to regulations on business so that big business can operate with a free hand to decrease costs involved with making a safe product, protecting the environment, giving fair wages, creating a safe work environment, treating workers fairly and otherwise operating responsibly. 2. Reducing government spending by eliminating public service jobs such as teachers, police, fire-fighters and government workers and rejecting the American Jobs Act that would have improved the infrastructure of roads, bridges, schools, etc.
"2nd Amendment rights": Returning the favor for NRA lobbyist money and preserving the market and demand for weapon manufacturers regardless of the wishes of the majority of Americans for stronger gun laws.
"Obama-Care": Originally a Republican introduced derogatory term for the Affordable Care Act which later became adopted as a catch-phrase by President Obama. Republican intent is to put fear into American citizens and protect big insurance corporations from the effects of treating American citizens with fairer insurance rules and charging costs that would benefit the citizen. Most of the effort of the Republicans in the 113th Congress has been in attempting to repeal Obama-Care law 37 times as of this date.
"Sequester": A Republican plan since 2010 to reduce the size of government in a way that would protect the wealthy and would otherwise never be possible by normal legislative proceedings.
"Filibuster": The cornerstone of Republican obstructionism used to prevent problem resolution, slow down progress on legislation and block President Obama's appointees and ideas that support middle-class Americans.
"Balanced Budget": A financial plan that reduces spending on useful government programs such as medicare, medicaid, the social safety net and social security which must not be balanced by any increase in revenue, especially by increased taxes on the wealthy or corporations.
"501(c)4": Republican worked loophole in the IRS regulations that permits a political action committee to receive donations that are exempt from federal taxes and then to complain when the IRS workers request information that may prove they are political action committees. The 501(c)4 is supposed to be for non-political social organizations.
"Stimulus package": Another name for the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. An act carried out by the Democrats and President Obama that saved the country from financial collapse. Republicans voted against the stimulus package.
"Voter ID": An attempt to reduce access to voting by members of the citizenry who would not vote Republican in elections. This action as well as closing down voting precincts and voting hours were used by Republican state legislatures as a strategy in the 2012 elections.
Republicans have proven that they do not represent the middle-class or the poor. If you are in one of these groups and you vote Republican, I would be interested in knowing why you would vote that way.
If you have any other definitions, please feel free to add a comment. I'll add the best one's to my collection.
Saturday, February 16, 2013
Sequester: How to take action by inaction or how Congress seems to work now
Government domestic and military budgets will be slashed by a total of $1.2 trillion ($109.33 Billion per year) with cuts coming as soon as March 1, 2013 for some areas. The automatic cuts will come as a 50/50 blend between defense and non defense spending. This means $54.667 billion per year for each of these categories.
Although it was never intended to occur, it is nearly a certainty that the sequester will occur. With the date quickly arriving, the Republicans in Congress have decided to go on recess for the next ten days and will not return in time to do much of anything to avert sequester.
Although Republicans blame President Obama for the sequester, in August of 2011 bipartisan majorities in the House and Senate voted to allow the threat of sequestration to force Congress to act on deficit reduction. It was thought that the drastic, across the board cuts would be viewed as something that Congress would want to avoid at all costs, thereby forcing them to compromise in a bipartisan way to identify and agree on deficit reduction actions. This proved to be misplaced optimism.
Recently both parties have put forth proposals to avert the sequester. House Budget Committee ranking Democrat member Chris Van Hollen has offered an alternate plan that would eliminate excessive agriculture subsidies; apply the Buffett Rule (making 30% a minimum income tax rate on the wealthy) and eliminate tax breaks for big oil.
The Republicans have refused any deal that means an increase in taxes or revenue increases from reduction of special interest tax breaks. The Republican's alternative to sequestration has proposed strict social program cuts and Corporate tax breaks in exchange for plugging some tax loop holes. This offer doesn't sit well with Democrats and the President who insist on a balanced approach that includes revenue increases as well as spending cuts. So we are in a stalemate that will result in sequester.
Some areas of government are exempt from sequester. These include entitlements such as social security, railroad retirement benefits, Department of Veterans Affairs, pension and special compensation programs. The Farm Credit System Administration and crop insurance and the FDIC Deposit Fund are exempt. Some low income assistance programs are exempt such as ACG/SMART Grants, Child Care entitlement grants to States, All Child Nutrition (except special milk programs), Children's Health Insurance Program, Some Pell grants (for first year of cuts only), Medicaid, Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, Supplemental Security Income Program, Temporary Assistance for Needy Families. Medicare cuts are limited but not absent.
All other areas of government are impacted. The sequester percentage cuts applied across all remaining government accounts is between 7.6% and 9.4% of their existing budgets. The military takes huge cuts in all branches of service. These cuts are sure to impact defense industry contracts, cause lay-offs of civilian labor, the closing of bases, etc.
Social safety net programs such as Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Woman Infants and Children (WIC) will eliminate $543 million per year and in effect remove hundreds of thousands of families from the rolls. Low Income Home energy assistance reduction of $285 million will leave hundreds of thousands of elderly and poor Americans fending for themselves to keep warm during the winter months. The list goes on and on.
Democrats have published a listing of the effects they believe the sequester will have. See that report here. The obvious effect of the sequester is that government services will be reduced. The government has indicated that 750,000 jobs could be affected. Some economists have stated that the stock market may be affected.
Once the domestic program cuts go into effect I believe they will be here to stay. I do not see our Congress working out any compromise deal at a later date. I say this based on Congress' proven lack of ability to do their jobs and their propensity for taking time off. More importantly Republicans know they would never get Democrats to cut the social safety net so severely in any other way and they are not going to start being concerned about the poor or helpless now. That is their mantra. Only the wealthy deserve entitlements.
There is a very good likelihood that Republicans will re-introduce bills to return military budgets back to pre-sequester levels and Democrats may be forced into voting for the increases either through fear of public embarrassment or falling for Republican false promises for future tax loop hole legislation. I know that the President will continue to push for tax law reform, but believe it will never happen given the nature of our obstructionist Republicans in Congress and their uncompromising defense of the wealthy, even at the expense of the less fortunate.
The less apparent effect of the sequester is going to be the magnitude of the down-stream effects that these budget cuts will have on our economy and the adverse effect on Americans who depend on government services that will be cut. We are about to find out.
Whatever happens, remember this day if you are still a member of American society during the 2014 Congressional elections. In our vote is the power to reverse the damage done. It is time for middle-class Republicans to voice their opposition to the leadership of their party which has proven that they do not represent you.
Although it was never intended to occur, it is nearly a certainty that the sequester will occur. With the date quickly arriving, the Republicans in Congress have decided to go on recess for the next ten days and will not return in time to do much of anything to avert sequester.
Although Republicans blame President Obama for the sequester, in August of 2011 bipartisan majorities in the House and Senate voted to allow the threat of sequestration to force Congress to act on deficit reduction. It was thought that the drastic, across the board cuts would be viewed as something that Congress would want to avoid at all costs, thereby forcing them to compromise in a bipartisan way to identify and agree on deficit reduction actions. This proved to be misplaced optimism.
Recently both parties have put forth proposals to avert the sequester. House Budget Committee ranking Democrat member Chris Van Hollen has offered an alternate plan that would eliminate excessive agriculture subsidies; apply the Buffett Rule (making 30% a minimum income tax rate on the wealthy) and eliminate tax breaks for big oil.
The Republicans have refused any deal that means an increase in taxes or revenue increases from reduction of special interest tax breaks. The Republican's alternative to sequestration has proposed strict social program cuts and Corporate tax breaks in exchange for plugging some tax loop holes. This offer doesn't sit well with Democrats and the President who insist on a balanced approach that includes revenue increases as well as spending cuts. So we are in a stalemate that will result in sequester.
Some areas of government are exempt from sequester. These include entitlements such as social security, railroad retirement benefits, Department of Veterans Affairs, pension and special compensation programs. The Farm Credit System Administration and crop insurance and the FDIC Deposit Fund are exempt. Some low income assistance programs are exempt such as ACG/SMART Grants, Child Care entitlement grants to States, All Child Nutrition (except special milk programs), Children's Health Insurance Program, Some Pell grants (for first year of cuts only), Medicaid, Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, Supplemental Security Income Program, Temporary Assistance for Needy Families. Medicare cuts are limited but not absent.
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Military Sequester |
Social safety net programs such as Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Woman Infants and Children (WIC) will eliminate $543 million per year and in effect remove hundreds of thousands of families from the rolls. Low Income Home energy assistance reduction of $285 million will leave hundreds of thousands of elderly and poor Americans fending for themselves to keep warm during the winter months. The list goes on and on.
Democrats have published a listing of the effects they believe the sequester will have. See that report here. The obvious effect of the sequester is that government services will be reduced. The government has indicated that 750,000 jobs could be affected. Some economists have stated that the stock market may be affected.
Once the domestic program cuts go into effect I believe they will be here to stay. I do not see our Congress working out any compromise deal at a later date. I say this based on Congress' proven lack of ability to do their jobs and their propensity for taking time off. More importantly Republicans know they would never get Democrats to cut the social safety net so severely in any other way and they are not going to start being concerned about the poor or helpless now. That is their mantra. Only the wealthy deserve entitlements.
There is a very good likelihood that Republicans will re-introduce bills to return military budgets back to pre-sequester levels and Democrats may be forced into voting for the increases either through fear of public embarrassment or falling for Republican false promises for future tax loop hole legislation. I know that the President will continue to push for tax law reform, but believe it will never happen given the nature of our obstructionist Republicans in Congress and their uncompromising defense of the wealthy, even at the expense of the less fortunate.
The less apparent effect of the sequester is going to be the magnitude of the down-stream effects that these budget cuts will have on our economy and the adverse effect on Americans who depend on government services that will be cut. We are about to find out.
Whatever happens, remember this day if you are still a member of American society during the 2014 Congressional elections. In our vote is the power to reverse the damage done. It is time for middle-class Republicans to voice their opposition to the leadership of their party which has proven that they do not represent you.
Monday, February 04, 2013
How Republicans plan to transform the President's budget into the Paul Ryan budget
Republicans in Congress still can't seem to realize that their Party did not win the Presidency in 2012. And by that I mean they still do not understand and do not represent the expectations of the American people.
One example of this is HR 444 REQUIRE A PLAN Act that was discussed today in the House.
Parenthetically the Act also adds the insulting attack remark erroneously directed towards the President, that it can also be called the "Require Presidential Leadership and No Deficit Act." My guess is that the Republicans see leadership as making strong cuts into social programs to hurt the Americans who can least afford it and who most depend on it. This would follow right in step with the Ryan budget and Republicans misguided thinking that revenue is off the table in budget talks.
The Act introduced by Republican Mr. PRICE of Georgia (for himself, Mr. RYAN of Wisconsin, Ms. JENKINS, and Mr. SESSIONS) requires that, "if the President’s fiscal year 2014 budget does not achieve balance in a fiscal year covered by such budget, the President shall submit a supplemental unified budget by April 1, 2013, which identifies a fiscal year in which balance is achieved, and for other purposes."
It goes on to require that the supplemental budget include budget information required by US code but also include the Republicans wish list of items. These are (a) An estimate of the fiscal year in which the supplemental budget is not expected to result in a deficit; (b) a detailed description of additional policies needed to accomplish no deficit; and (c) detailed description of the differences between the President's FY 2014 budget and the FY2014 supplemental budget requested.
There is no constituional requirement for a President to offer a budget which will balance by some future date. Since the 1920's there have only been about three occassions where a budget actually did balance. However Republicans appeared to be confused about the President's intentions. They made it seem that this was a simple request that would help them understand where the President stands on balancing the budget. But what are they really trying to do?
The reason that the Republicans imply they are proposing this Act is because the President's actions during his first term have shown he is not a good financial stewart. The Act's section on "Findings" indicates that the President can't keep to his promises and has caused the deficit to rise during his term. It's almost as if the President has authority over financial and budgetary policy and total control of the money that he was charged to spend and spent it unwisely. Oh wait, that is the job of the Congress!
So what are the Republicans really trying to do by placing this Act into consideration? I think they have a somewhat sinister plan in mind indeed.
First, they are trying to create an image in the eyes of Americans that removes themselves from any blame they may have for the country's financial condition. They won't admit that it was their Party's administration that got us into the financial situation we are in and largely responsible for the deficit. The graph at the left is the Congressional Budget Office's estimates of the factors leading to the deficit. One can see that the largest contributors to our present deficit are the wars and Bush era tax cuts. But deficits were not that important to Republicans when their guy was President.
Republicans pretend to be the only Party concerned with future generations who will be responsible for the deficit's payback. While he was Mitt Romney's running partner, Paul Ryan's first budget plan would not balance the budget for thirty years. And that one was considered harmful to the poor in society and the economy because of the magnitude of its cuts to social programs while at the same time cutting taxes for the rich. Recently Ryan has been tasked by John Boehner to write a budget that will be balanced within ten years. Without considering revenue increases (as the Republicans believe), Ryan's new budget would start hurting people immediately.
It seems to me that with HR 444 and the previously passed HR 325 that temporarily raises the debt limit with stipulations for "No Budget/No Pay", Republicans are trying to force the President into cutting the social safety net, voucher-izing medicare and medicaid and making changes to social security that would not benefit the American worker. All of these were Romney-Ryan policies that Americans rejected when they ended Romney's political career in the last election.
Republicans are really putting the cart before the horse if they think that the President can create a supplemental unified budget without Congress first acting on modifying the tax code and closing loop holes. The President cannot know the impact that new revenue will have to paying down the deficit until Congress acts on tax law. So once again Congress needs to understand that tax revenue must be considered and they have a more urgent role in addressing that than the President has to give them a supplemental unified budget.
Fortunately some Democrats understand that Republicans are trying to force a budget that looks like the Ryan budget and have added amendments to the Act to counteract this intention. Unfortunately none of them was allowed during the actual rules committee session.
Mr McGovern of Massachusetts, a member of the committee made it clear that the members were only made aware of HR 444 on Thursday and the act was not entered until Friday last week. He felt that there was not enough time to enter amendments. He also made the point that the rules committee did not have any meetings, markups or open discussion around the need for the act and requested that it was entered into open rules. That was voted down.
Mr Connelly of Virginia had submitted an amendment that prohibits "additional solutions" in the unified supplemental budget to include conversion of Medicare into a voucher program. However that amendment was not allowed.
Mr. Deutch of Florida submitted an amendment that removes social security from the definition of "Unified Budget" however that amendment was not allowed.
Jackson Lee of Texas submitted two amendments. One protects the safety net of the most vulnerable in society. It was not allowed. The other proposes ending the estate and tax provisions so the applicable exclusion amount is allowed to revert to $1 million and the tax rate is allowed to be 55%. It was not allowed.
Chris Van Hollen from Maryland submitted an amendment to replace the entire sequester for 2013 which would cause deep cuts to domestic priorities and defense with a savings from specific policies that reflect a balanced approach to deficit reduction. He wants to protect the most vulnerable and asks people making over $1 million to contribute more. He wants to eliminate agriculture direct payments and cut subsidies to large oil companies. Because he was not present due to his father's death, his substitute for sequester was voted down.
An amendment was submitted by Mark Takano of California which makes changes to the "Findings" section of the act. He wants clarification that Congress holds responsibility for passing budgets and appropriating funds. A responsibility that some Republicans have attempted to side-step. That one was allowed.
Four Republican amendments were approved. All of them require additional work from the Presdient to present more detail in the supplemental unified budget.
As the President has stated publicly, like the Republicans, he also understands that the deficit should be brought under control. Actions taken since his administration started have reduced the Bush deficit each year and the CBO expects that the deficit will be below $800 Billion by the end of 2013.
But in the President's case, his concern is that deficit reduction be done in a balanced approach with revenue increases and program cuts that do not harm the economy, that do not hurt Americans and are done fairly.
The divergence in the President's policies and Republican policies are fairly obvious to middle class Americans.
That's why he won the election.
One example of this is HR 444 REQUIRE A PLAN Act that was discussed today in the House.
Parenthetically the Act also adds the insulting attack remark erroneously directed towards the President, that it can also be called the "Require Presidential Leadership and No Deficit Act." My guess is that the Republicans see leadership as making strong cuts into social programs to hurt the Americans who can least afford it and who most depend on it. This would follow right in step with the Ryan budget and Republicans misguided thinking that revenue is off the table in budget talks.
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Mr. Price |
It goes on to require that the supplemental budget include budget information required by US code but also include the Republicans wish list of items. These are (a) An estimate of the fiscal year in which the supplemental budget is not expected to result in a deficit; (b) a detailed description of additional policies needed to accomplish no deficit; and (c) detailed description of the differences between the President's FY 2014 budget and the FY2014 supplemental budget requested.
There is no constituional requirement for a President to offer a budget which will balance by some future date. Since the 1920's there have only been about three occassions where a budget actually did balance. However Republicans appeared to be confused about the President's intentions. They made it seem that this was a simple request that would help them understand where the President stands on balancing the budget. But what are they really trying to do?
The reason that the Republicans imply they are proposing this Act is because the President's actions during his first term have shown he is not a good financial stewart. The Act's section on "Findings" indicates that the President can't keep to his promises and has caused the deficit to rise during his term. It's almost as if the President has authority over financial and budgetary policy and total control of the money that he was charged to spend and spent it unwisely. Oh wait, that is the job of the Congress!
So what are the Republicans really trying to do by placing this Act into consideration? I think they have a somewhat sinister plan in mind indeed.
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CBO estimates of deficit causes |
Republicans pretend to be the only Party concerned with future generations who will be responsible for the deficit's payback. While he was Mitt Romney's running partner, Paul Ryan's first budget plan would not balance the budget for thirty years. And that one was considered harmful to the poor in society and the economy because of the magnitude of its cuts to social programs while at the same time cutting taxes for the rich. Recently Ryan has been tasked by John Boehner to write a budget that will be balanced within ten years. Without considering revenue increases (as the Republicans believe), Ryan's new budget would start hurting people immediately.
It seems to me that with HR 444 and the previously passed HR 325 that temporarily raises the debt limit with stipulations for "No Budget/No Pay", Republicans are trying to force the President into cutting the social safety net, voucher-izing medicare and medicaid and making changes to social security that would not benefit the American worker. All of these were Romney-Ryan policies that Americans rejected when they ended Romney's political career in the last election.
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Ryan's Budget paves the path to increased Prosperity for the wealthy |
Fortunately some Democrats understand that Republicans are trying to force a budget that looks like the Ryan budget and have added amendments to the Act to counteract this intention. Unfortunately none of them was allowed during the actual rules committee session.
Mr McGovern of Massachusetts, a member of the committee made it clear that the members were only made aware of HR 444 on Thursday and the act was not entered until Friday last week. He felt that there was not enough time to enter amendments. He also made the point that the rules committee did not have any meetings, markups or open discussion around the need for the act and requested that it was entered into open rules. That was voted down.
Mr Connelly of Virginia had submitted an amendment that prohibits "additional solutions" in the unified supplemental budget to include conversion of Medicare into a voucher program. However that amendment was not allowed.
Mr. Deutch of Florida submitted an amendment that removes social security from the definition of "Unified Budget" however that amendment was not allowed.
Jackson Lee of Texas submitted two amendments. One protects the safety net of the most vulnerable in society. It was not allowed. The other proposes ending the estate and tax provisions so the applicable exclusion amount is allowed to revert to $1 million and the tax rate is allowed to be 55%. It was not allowed.
Chris Van Hollen from Maryland submitted an amendment to replace the entire sequester for 2013 which would cause deep cuts to domestic priorities and defense with a savings from specific policies that reflect a balanced approach to deficit reduction. He wants to protect the most vulnerable and asks people making over $1 million to contribute more. He wants to eliminate agriculture direct payments and cut subsidies to large oil companies. Because he was not present due to his father's death, his substitute for sequester was voted down.
An amendment was submitted by Mark Takano of California which makes changes to the "Findings" section of the act. He wants clarification that Congress holds responsibility for passing budgets and appropriating funds. A responsibility that some Republicans have attempted to side-step. That one was allowed.
Four Republican amendments were approved. All of them require additional work from the Presdient to present more detail in the supplemental unified budget.
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President Obama |
But in the President's case, his concern is that deficit reduction be done in a balanced approach with revenue increases and program cuts that do not harm the economy, that do not hurt Americans and are done fairly.
The divergence in the President's policies and Republican policies are fairly obvious to middle class Americans.
That's why he won the election.
Thursday, September 13, 2012
Fed promises unlimited mortgage security purchases...should we be worried?
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Ben Bernanke |
While it seems that the short term goal of reducing interest rates for banks and business will most probably work, is the longer term goal of increasing jobs going to be guaranteed from this strategy? I seriously doubt it. And here's why.
If you follow the demand side theories of job creation, then you would expect increase in demand to be the major factor in creating new jobs. This demand theory is supported by President Obama. Consumers are the source of new demand for business. Consumer spending is dictated by the amount of cash available to them after necessities spending. The primary source of this cash for most middle-class workers is take-home pay from a job.
If you follow supply side theories of job creation, then you would expect anything that reduces the expenditures of business should automatically allow them to spend on new hiring. The new demand part of the equation is not really important in this theory.
While some middle-class workers have 401K's the increase in the value of these accounts due to the Fed's actions will not give them any immediate spending capacity since the cash in the 401K can only be accessed after retirement without significant financial penalties.
Those elderly retired persons who have 401K's may see some immediate benefit to their cash available, but these people are already retired and are not looking for jobs. It is also doubtful that this extra cash would be a new source of demand for businesses as most retirees would probably need the extra cash for necessities and not luxury items.
It does not appear that the Feds actions today will do anything to help spur significant new demand. So the only hope of creating new jobs would be based on the Feds belief in supply-side economics.
The main recipients of the benefit of reduced interest rates and increased stock market prices are wealthy investors, banks and businesses.
One might think that with this cash, business will be motivated to grow and at the same time hire. But we know that most US Corporations are already sitting on the largest cash reserves they have had in decades. They are not using these funds to grow or hire, although some are buying up competitors businesses and consolidating the workforce by layoffs of excess personnel. This is the reverse of what the Fed is shooting for.
We also know from the history of Corporate America for the last 30 years or so, supply side economics does not work for creating new jobs. When American Corporations were allowed to have significant tax breaks, American jobs were not increased, they were actually decreased. Over the last twelve years or so, we have lost close to ten million American jobs to outsourcing to foreign countries.
One hope for creating new jobs using supply-side arguments is new small business start-ups. With low interest loans, new small business start-ups might increase, but with interest rates already extremely low, and small business start-ups not currently saving our economy or producing significant jobs, this option does not look promising.
The Feds approach to creating new jobs supports supply-side economics and from my observations at least, has little chance of creating new jobs. Millionaires and billionaires will be happy with their new cash inflow, but are very unlikely to use the opportunity to hire without demand requiring it.
In order for jobs to be created, we also need a significant increase in demand across all industries. If new technologies or new products are not being developed, then we need to support the middle-class with increased wages, federally funded jobs, returning jobs to America and other work supports to give them the ability to increase demand until government and business research brings new products to market.
President Obama's American Jobs Act meets all of these requirements. We need the Republican Congress to stop filibustering the Act and do the job that Americans want them to do. They need to approve the American Jobs Act. We Americans need to re-elect President Obama.
Monday, September 10, 2012
From Romney's Official Web Site - His Tax Plan explained
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Romney and Ryan |
So for this session, I will review the actual facts as presented by Romney on his official web site, When I am done, I think you'll understand why he is so quiet about it on the campaign trail. Those lines that are in quotes are extracted from Romney's web site. Those lines that follow the quoted lines are my explanatory comments.
repair the nation’s tax code, marginal rates must be brought down
to stimulate entrepreneurship, job creation, and investment, while
still raising the revenue needed to fund a smaller, smarter, simpler
government. The principle of fairness must be preserved in federal
tax and spending policy.”
marginal tax rates secure for all Americans the economic gains from
tax reform.”
The following paragraphs cite the various steps in Romney's plan.

Romney's Tax Plan For Individuals:
“Make permanent, across-the-board 20 percent cut in marginal rates"
Marginal rates have the greatest effect on the wealthiest of taxpayers. A twenty percent rate cut is a huge amount but only makes a real difference to the wealthiest among us. Add to that the tax loop-holes that are only available to the wealthy and soon middle class America will not only be paying a higher tax percentage than the wealthy, but some may even pay more in absolute tax dollars than the rich.“Maintain current tax rates on interest, dividends, and capital gains”
The categories of income included in interest, dividends and capital gains are used almost exclusively by the wealthy. The current tax rates for these are very low with capital gains as low as 15%. With the many tax loop-holes available to the ultra-rich, this tax rate is already lower than that for most wealthy taxpayers. The point is that this tax favoritism is again directed toward the rich. Most of the middle-class will have almost no tax savings at all because they do not have income from investments.“Eliminate taxes for taxpayers with AGI below $200,000 on interest, dividends, and capital gains”
Again, these categories are already non-existent for most middle-class Americans. The estimated AGI income of the Middle class Americans is around $50,000. About 94% of America has AGI less than $100,000. Ask yourself how much of your taxable income (not 401K investments) comes from cash stock trades done throughout the year. Do you understand that Romney's plan is targeting benefits for the wealthy?“Eliminate the Death Tax”
This tax is already non-existent for middle class Americans unless an individual has over $5,000,000 in assets. And who do you think would benefit from such a tax elimination? Let me give you a clue. It is estimated that the heirs of the each of Koch brothers would benefit by nearly $8 billion dollars if this tax was eliminated“Repeal the Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT)”
The AMT is paid only if the regular tax amount would be less than the AMT amount. It is not used in addition to the regular tax rate, but as the name implies, as an alternative to the regular rate. It is normally required by individuals and Corporations with incomes over $200,000. Since Romney is proposing to make the regular tax rates for the wealthiest individuals much less, he must repeal the AMT, or his favoritism to the wealthy would be over-ridden by the AMT. So this strategy is not to benefit the middle-class, but instead to ensure that his tax favoritism for the wealthy stays in tact.Romney's Corporate Tax Plan:
“Cut the corporate rate to 25 percent”
“Strengthen and make permanent the R&D tax credit”
This tax advantage is intended to increase spending on Corporate Research. It is difficult to know how much of an impact that this tax credit has had on the economy but it is known what kind of tax advantages are had by Corporations because of it. A study by Ernst and Young in 2005 reported that 17,700 Corporations claimed $6.6 Billion in R&D Tax credits.“Switch to a territorial tax system”
This is Romney's way of allowing American Corporations to escape paying taxes on any business carried out in foreign countries. A territorial Tax system is one that only taxes income earned in the United States. This would be a huge loop-hole for Corporate America to escape paying their fair share of taxes. It is difficult to estimate how much revenue would be lost since it would likely change Corporate practices to take advantage to the greatest extent possible. It is easy to say that the reduction in Corporate tax revenue would be extremely high and outsourcing of plants and jobs would likely be increased to the max.“Repeal the corporate Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT)”
For the same reason as the individual AMT repeal, this would be necessary if Romney's other reductions in taxes are to be effective in reducing taxes for the wealthy.
Ultimately, Romney's tax plan would favor the wealthiest of Americans and do little for the middle class. With a territorial tax it may even hurt the middle class by taking more jobs out of the country. And who do you think will get stuck paying the taxes that are being lifted from the rich? You guessed it...Middle-class America.
If you hear Romney and Ryan proclaim that they are for the middle class during their campaign tour, now you'll know that they are both compulsive liars who will say anything to get your vote.

Like sheep to the slaughter, millions of our middle class American Republicans are being led astray by the slick double-talk of their so-called concerned Republican leaders.
Save your vote and your job. Vote a total Democratic ticket this November.
Saturday, August 18, 2012
Republicans would even lie to their mothers
How can you trust them? They'll lie about anything. They'll lie to anyone. And now they are even lying to their mothers.
Have you seen the commercials where certain Republican Congressmen are asked by their aging mothers if they would hurt medicare? It is pitiful that they can lie to their own mothers like that as they look them straight in the eyes and deny it. Some may be trying to distance themselves from the Ryan budget, but most are just fibbing. They should have their mouths washed with soap.
This year the Republican National Committee is throwing caution to the wind as they incorporate lying into their arsenal of vote capturing tools. It seems that everyday RNC Chairpeople, Mitt Romney and now Paul Ryan are telling some new lie about President Obama or Democratic policies. They obviously think if they repeat the lie over and over again, eventually the public will believe it. It seems like an assembly of third graders have organized this Republican campaign.
Democrats have been known to be the champions of social programs like Medicare and Medicaid. Paul Ryan is famous for his Republican budget proposal which slashes many social programs, including Medicare. Mitt Romney has publicly announced his support for that budget.
President Obama's Affordable Care Act reduces medicare fraud and excessive payments to Insurers and Doctor's. It is estimated that this will save about $716 billion in costs but strengthens medicare benefits for the elderly. It is estimated that with these actions, President Obama will extend the solvency of medicare by eight years. Mitt Romney intends to repeal the Affordable Care Act the day he is elected. This would eliminate the cost savings in medicare brought about by that Act. By these actions, Romney would return the $716 billion to the insurance companies and business owners who are perpetrating medicare fraud. It's also been estimated by AARP that Paul Ryan's plan would undermine Medicare and lead to additional annual costs as high as $6400 for seniors.
So now Romney and Ryan are claiming that President Obama is reducing medicare benefits by the $716 billion. This is a total lie that Ryan told at a retirement community in Florida this morning, with his mother listening at his side. Both Romney and Ryan continue this lie in public appearances across the country.
Romney and Ryan's plan proposes that seniors pay up to an additional $6400 per year to get a private insurance plan that will actually cover their medical needs since their voucher program will allow only minimum medical care. Perhaps wealthy seniors like Ryan's mother won't find the additional costs too hard to come up with. But for the most part, that cost could be up to 25% of the annual income of many seniors. Further, being forced to make choices on how to spend their limited income, some seniors may not be able to afford the care that they need and this could lead to premature death.
If there is one thing that rings true about Republicans, it is that their approach to cutting the deficit is to cut social programs first. Worse still, they intend to do this while at the same time giving tax breaks to the wealthy. With tax revenue reduced at the top, the rest of us will have to come up with the difference if our deficit is to be managed at all. This can only be accomplished by increasing government revenue by middle class tax increases and slashing or eliminating social assistance programs.
Ultimately, the top 2% are given governmental assistance (let's call it high-class welfare) and the rest of us are pushed under the bus. Does it make sense to give assistance to people at the high end of the economic scale instead of those in the middle and lower end that really need it? It does to the Republicans.
Don't let them fool you. Class warfare is alive and most of the shots are coming from the Republican party and aimed directly at the rest of us.
Have you seen the commercials where certain Republican Congressmen are asked by their aging mothers if they would hurt medicare? It is pitiful that they can lie to their own mothers like that as they look them straight in the eyes and deny it. Some may be trying to distance themselves from the Ryan budget, but most are just fibbing. They should have their mouths washed with soap.

Democrats have been known to be the champions of social programs like Medicare and Medicaid. Paul Ryan is famous for his Republican budget proposal which slashes many social programs, including Medicare. Mitt Romney has publicly announced his support for that budget.
President Obama's Affordable Care Act reduces medicare fraud and excessive payments to Insurers and Doctor's. It is estimated that this will save about $716 billion in costs but strengthens medicare benefits for the elderly. It is estimated that with these actions, President Obama will extend the solvency of medicare by eight years. Mitt Romney intends to repeal the Affordable Care Act the day he is elected. This would eliminate the cost savings in medicare brought about by that Act. By these actions, Romney would return the $716 billion to the insurance companies and business owners who are perpetrating medicare fraud. It's also been estimated by AARP that Paul Ryan's plan would undermine Medicare and lead to additional annual costs as high as $6400 for seniors.
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Paul Ryan and Mom |
Romney and Ryan's plan proposes that seniors pay up to an additional $6400 per year to get a private insurance plan that will actually cover their medical needs since their voucher program will allow only minimum medical care. Perhaps wealthy seniors like Ryan's mother won't find the additional costs too hard to come up with. But for the most part, that cost could be up to 25% of the annual income of many seniors. Further, being forced to make choices on how to spend their limited income, some seniors may not be able to afford the care that they need and this could lead to premature death.
If there is one thing that rings true about Republicans, it is that their approach to cutting the deficit is to cut social programs first. Worse still, they intend to do this while at the same time giving tax breaks to the wealthy. With tax revenue reduced at the top, the rest of us will have to come up with the difference if our deficit is to be managed at all. This can only be accomplished by increasing government revenue by middle class tax increases and slashing or eliminating social assistance programs.
Ultimately, the top 2% are given governmental assistance (let's call it high-class welfare) and the rest of us are pushed under the bus. Does it make sense to give assistance to people at the high end of the economic scale instead of those in the middle and lower end that really need it? It does to the Republicans.
Don't let them fool you. Class warfare is alive and most of the shots are coming from the Republican party and aimed directly at the rest of us.
Saturday, August 11, 2012
The next President of the United States: Paul Ryan
Mitt Romney is smarter than we all think. Or maybe he is psychic. He knows he doesn't have a snowball's chance in Hell of winning the 2012 Presidential election. So he wisely introduces Paul Ryan as the next President of the United States today on a crowd filled battleship with much of America watching.
And the crowd roared. Maybe they thought the same thing. Perhaps they cheered so loudly because they thought "Thank goodness, Romney's finally come to his senses. Perhaps we Republicans can really win this thing with Ryan at the helm now!"
Of course he means that Paul Ryan will be the 2016 Republican Presidential nominee and potential President. He can't mean that he's trading places with Ryan in the current Presidential election. Or could he?
Maybe Romney's freudian slip occurred because he thinks that Ryan would make a better President than he himself. Perhaps he thinks with Ryan's help, he will become President but is attributing most of the effort in that cause to Ryan. Who knows what was really running through Romney's head when he mis-spoke so eloquently? More likely it was a brain-fart of developing senility showing.
But will Paul Ryan really help the ticket? Talk is that half of Republicans think Ryan will hurt the Presidential cause, mainly because they don't think he is conservative enough and his budget plan doesn't reduce the deficit fast enough.
Even so, it's doubtful that those Republicans will vote for Obama. However, it is possible that Ryan's budget plan, his attack on social security, his attack on medicare and his pledge to repeal the Affordable Care Act (ObamaCare) will drive away elderly Independent voters. That could be critical in swing states such as Florida and may cause them to lose the election.
Perhaps the best thing that Ryan will do for Romney is to remove some of the focus of the very successful negative attack adds. But then again, Ryan's "sinful" political reputation is sure to draw fire from concerned religious groups and kind humans everywhere.
Now that I think about it, Paul Ryan may not have been such a good idea for the GOP, but choosing him for VP mate may just be the best thing that the Republicans could have done for Obama.
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